~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, May 27, 2013

~Why or Why Aren't Black Men Dating/Marrying Outside of Their Race~ Part 1

Many black women would love to know if there is a specific reason why so many "Black Men" are seemingly seeking women outside of their race in order to build a life. Whether it is just a monogamous relationship or even marriage, it seems like this has and still is transpiring especially in regards to successful black men. I was reluctant to pose this question because I felt as though there would be backlash but then I thought to myself, why not? Why not at least give it a shot because inquiring minds would love to know the answers.

When I initially posted the question to my facebook timeline, I at first thought that I would not receive any response because I know it is an on-going, yet touchy subject. I asked anyways because that is what I do even though my pride would not allow me to go to anyone individually as I did for previous blog entries. In my quest to find the truth, I asked if it was based on chemistry, the "attitudes" of black women or what? I have heard so many black men complain about the attitudes of black women so I figured someone would maybe try and use that as a reason why they don't really deal with women of their race in that sense. I was even willing to accept feedback from white and any other race of men as to why they preferred to date/marry black women as a means to gain insight from all sides but I did not receive any willing participants.

The first participant was a female that asked her husband the question since they are an interracial newlywed couple. His response was that he just wanted a change… In addition, they fell for one another before they knew each others race...Chemistry was their final synopsis! From what I have observed personally, the two of them are happy and I am happy for them.

The next person to comment afterwards was a male that felt as though black men go outside of their race because of self-hatred. Following that comment, he stated that it is in the bible and in so many words, he feels as though the word of God condemns interracial marriages. He specifically gave Deuteronomy 7:3-4 KJV as the scripture to backup his insight. That caused a slight uproar but now isn't the time to go into that, we need to stay on task in order for us to develop an understanding as to why black men look elsewhere or end up with women outside of their race. Stay tuned for part two as we are going to hear from other men including my very own husband and how he feels in regards to this subject matter. ~Thank you for reading~

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