~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

~Why or Why Aren't Black Men Dating/Marrying Outside of Their Race~ Finale, A Dialog

I know it’s been a while since I last posted a blog entry but it is now time to close out this series. I will refer to this black male as KB, He does not seem to feel as though black women measure up to white women. I wanted to try and understand his mindset during this segment which is a dialog.

KB: Most black men date outside of their race because everyone longs for natural beauty. Some, not all black woman will not embrace it. They hide it with weave and fake nails.

I had to intercept even though I am trying to just be the moderator. I said to him; "Lots of white women wear weaves and false nails. They also cake on more makeup than black women says this former cosmetology student..." (Some, not all, I know for the fact that we can't lump EVERYONE into one category just to make that clear)

KB: "But it’s mainly in entertainment and it looks professional and classy. Not stacks and stacks of hair that does not match their hair color. It just looks tacky sometimes and no one tells them. They think it’s cool."

I replied; "But there's plenty of black women that have them beat so how do you explain that?"

KB: I personally will give any race a chance if I find you attractive. But for me, I do not date a lot of African American females because they have been hurt and do not know how to let go of past experiences that they have encountered and live for now. They have a guard up from a prior relationship and the person that is interested in them now, doesn’t receive the time of day and they may genuinely be interested in those women. And when they do that, the guy is mad now because he was good and it turns him into a bad person as a result.

My reply; "That's respectable information and thank you again…

KB: You’re welcome; it all goes back to a person’s upbringing. If you have no respect for a man you will never have one, if you have no respect for a woman you will never have one. You will end up with a boy or a girl.

Me: That's true!!

KB: We have to make that change. If we do not carry ourselves with dignity and pride why would anyone what to be with us. It shows a lack of respect for yourself if you enter a relationship with someone and you really do not want to be in one.

My final thoughts are that, you should marry or be in a relationship with whomever you deem worthy.  If that person is outside of your race, so be it.  I do feel that it is wrong to look down on people of your own race because of a bad experience or two that you have had with someone in the past. Not all black women have "bad attitudes"... Not all white women are passive and easy to get along with.  Not one race of women are ALL as they are perceived, especially based on someones bad past experience. 

If you need a few examples of how some women of different races act, look around you with an open mind.  If you think that ALL white women are passive and doesn't have bad attitudes, Google or watch a few episodes of Bridezillas.  That will let you know that it's not just black women.   Thank you for reading!

*Slightly Modified

Monday, June 3, 2013

~Why or Why Aren't Black Men Dating/Marrying Outside of Their Race~ Part 3

We will now get into more insight from various black men so grab your popcorn....

Male Participant A: Who is Christian stated that, race does not mean a thing when Jesus said it clear... Those who are born of flesh are flesh. Our complexion does not define us, it is the type of negative or positive influences we take in that defines us. Our complexion will not save us; it is His Spirit that will save us. The Holy Ghost is life not our color…Flesh is just flesh!

Male Participant B: You know, very few black men actually go outside of their race…

Male Participant C: I have dated different races of women, different sizes of women, both physically and across other continents. I don't believe in allowing the physical appearance of a woman to completely shape my opinion of that woman in regards to whether she's a suitable partner for me. To put it in mathematical terms, the ratio to which appearance matters to me would be 30%, with the other 70% focused on what I feel is truly important, what will make or break any relationship, and that is personality. What that woman stands for, what her habits are, how she thinks and processes information, how she handles herself in different situations. Fat women can lose weight. Skinny women can become fat. Dark-skinned women can bleach their skin. Light-skinned women can tan their skin. I am mixed with African American/Black, Native American (not sure which tribe, I forget), Italian, German, Mongolian, and Irish. I personally think that limiting yourself to one color or another is highly superficial, and in the end, only cheating yourself out of the full range of personalities you can come across from all races and colors of people.

Male Participant D: Some men just want to try something different or that is just their preference. I do not think it is due to black women’s attitudes… Men are hunters; we are freaks and want to conquer all that we can conquer.

Male Participant E: If you date/marry outside your race, I believe there is something you do not like about your race of women. In example, a black man does not date black women because they are "ghetto", on welfare, and do not meet the requirements that so-called white women have such as degree, no children, not on welfare etc... It is a stereotype from our own people! One black woman can ruin it for the rest of the black women and a black man would never date a black woman because of what happened from that one black woman. You feel me?! Many black women are too strong for black men and white women are passive. It is very deep! When they gave the slaves a pic of the white Christ, it was a control device so the black man/woman worships the white man because they believe our Savior is white! However, I am not racist truth is truth!

Male Participant F: For me, it happened to be that my girl liked me no matter what. I treated her nice & it was not about someone of a different race, but the fact that I made her laugh and did not judge her for her imperfections. We are best friends even though we grew up completely different.

In closing, we can only respect the views of all participants despite how much we may disagree. Stay tuned as I wrap things up with a dialog between and a black male and myself. He does not feel as though black women measure up to white women so I will be going back and forth with him to understand his mindset. Thank you for reading!

*Slightly Modified