~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Not of This World: by Rodney Jones

Years ago the devil started a rumor. He told a few Christians that as long as they lived in the world, they had to suffer as the world did. He told them they had to share the diseases and the defeat, the poverty and the failure of those around them.

It was a crafty lie--and it worked. Believers accepted it and began to spread it among themselves. You may have even heard it yourself. If so, I want to help you put that rumor to rest today. I want to help you get the facts straight once and for all.

You see, despite what you may have heard, health, prosperity and victorious living aren't concepts some comfort-hungry believer selfishly dreamed up. They are God's ideas.

You may say, "That sounds good, Rodney, but we've got to be realistic. We live in a world that's full of problems. And as long as we live in this world, it seems to me we're going to have our share."

Yes, that's true. Even Jesus said, "In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration." But notice, He didn't stop there! He went on to say, "But be of good cheer-- take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted--for I have overcome the world.-- I have deprived it of power to harm, have conquered it [for you]" (John 16:33, The Amplified Bible).

Most believers don't have any trouble believing the first part of that verse. They know all too well how many tribulations, trials, distresses, and frustrations surround them. But they're less certain about the last part. They haven't yet experienced for themselves exactly what Jesus meant when He said He had deprived those things of power to harm them.

Why not?

Because they're still living as though they're part of the world.

But, listen. Jesus said you and I are to be "sanctified," or separated from the evils of this world. How? Through the Word of God! (John 17:17).

The Word of God will separate you from the world. His Word will set His dream for victory into motion in your life. If you'll receive it and believe it, speak it and act on it, that Word will set you apart from those around you. It will take you from trouble to triumph again and again. I Am With You!

" Whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith."

– 1 John 5:4

~A Special Thank you to Rodney Jones for allowing me to share your words of wisdom here at Calz Corner... 

To God be the glory!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Three Christian Questions: with Bri Gray

1. What is your background in Christianity?
  • I was raised as a Christian but I was never clear as to what Denomination, I just knew that I loved Jesus. As I grew older and visited churches, I learned that I had more freedom to openly praise in a Baptist church setting. I prefer to attend those types of environments, but I am still unsure as to what denomination I am. In all honesty, I do not care to claim one, and my mom never placed emphasis on it either. As long as I love Christ and I am chasing after him, nothing else matters.

2. Where has GOD brought you from that helped you grow as a Christian?
  • God has brought me from the City of Detroit, with a ghetto mess outside my door, but a single mother who provided peace inside our home. Considering our surroundings and the complacent people around us, I have come very far and my mommy raised my little sister and me well. God has blessed my life and given me the drive, and desire to be more than my environment. I am now obtaining my master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
  • God has also brought me from a struggle that seemed nearly impossible to overcome; to a differ type of struggle that seems much less daunting and much more inspiring than before. This struggle is the struggle before success and I appreciate it much more. This is not a situation that makes me wonder whether or not I'll be defeated but instead one that God has placed in my life that I feel is meant to make me appreciate my blessings and accomplishments much more. This struggle has made me understand that if there is no struggle, there is no progress. God has shown me favor despite my flaws and he has loved me even when I did not know who I was to love myself.

3. How can we guide more souls to Christ?
  • The best way to bring people to Christ is to love like Christ and to allow His light to shine through us. It's also important to bring awareness to how amazing He is and how His love is the greatest feeling and gift of all. Along with this, we must avoid forcing Christ onto others and instead embrace them as Christ would, without judgment; it has to be in their hearts to seek him. Forcing or judging will only push them away. Most importantly, we must try our best to walk the path that God has for us, but do not step on others or place ourselves on a pedestal in the process. We have to be examples as Christians but we must also be relatable and approachable if we want others to come to Christ.

This blog entry is very special to me because you are my first born niece.  I chose you to be the first female to be interviewed because I think highly of you as a Christian, I'm very proud to see the woman you have become, and I am always blessed by your GOD given talents.  Not only your beautiful voice, but your beautiful heart, mind, and soul.  Thank you so much for your participation and I love you!

God Given Talent!!

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Three Christian Questions: with Corey White

1.  What is your background in Christianity?

  • Growing up, I attended a Missionary Baptist Church, where I attended service on a regular basis, but was never baptized. When I turned 27, I was baptized in an apostolic church, under the Pentecostal persuasion of Holiness. (Oneness Pentecostalism) It is a denominational church setting where we believe you must take on the baptism in Jesus name. Although, now I am not in a denomination but believe in the name of Jesus Christ as a quintessence of salvation.

2.  Where has GOD brought you from that helped you grow as a Christian?

  • I believe God has brought me through the struggling sense of forgiveness, pride; use of profanity, disbelief, smoking, drinking and the list goes on... It is ineffable (too great for words) of what God has and will do as a testimony/witness.

3.  How can we guide more souls to Christ?

  •  Transparency is greatest, or the best asset to lead others to Christ. People need Kingdom citizens to be real, relevant, and relational at best. Point blank! If we as ambassadors of Christ do not spread the gospel with truth, conviction and sincerity, then we ourselves are living a lie. My advice to this epidemic and dichotomy…“Don't lie on the truth, because the truth shall set you free. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. Therefore, if we intuitively grasp the fact, we must buy the truth and sell it not; then we would also know that it (truth) is not on sell at a retail outlet. The truth is not cheap, but is the best and most valuable asset to our lives, as it relates to victorious living, reformation, and lastly transformation.

A very special thank you Corey for your participation, and your words of wisdom.  I have been truly blessed, and I am sure the readers will be blessed as well. Until next time... To GOD be the glory~  

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Pastor Ralph L. Godbee, Jr.~

1. For starters, tell us a little back-story regarding your life as a Christian, and when you initially gave your life to Christ...
  • I was raised in the church. I was baptized at around 7 years of age, at the Leland Missionary Baptist Church by it's then Pastor, the late Rev. Eugene Rhodes. I knew of, and felt the Holy Spirit at a very early age. I always admired preachers. My dad accepted his calling into the ministry in 1977, so I am a “PK” as well.

2. Where is your place of worship located, and if any, which denomination are you affiliated with?
  •  I currently serve as the Senior Pastor of the Inner Court Christian Center located at 4240 E. 11 Mile Rd, in Warren, MI. We are non-denominational; believe that the bible is the infallible word of God authored by God and written by man by way of divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Trinity; the triune nature of God being God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit.

3. As far as baptisms, which formula does your place of worship, utilize? i.e., do you baptize in the name of Jesus? Or the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
  • We baptize in the name of the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. However, I understand that doctrinally some baptize in the name of Jesus only. I personally do not feel that God is going to invalidate anyone's salvation over the different interpretations of doctrine by man regardless of which methodology a Pastor subscribes to.

4. Would you consider your place of worship to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
  • I would absolutely say that our worship experience is Holy Ghost led, ordained, and filled. I do feel we have to be careful though not to always associate "Holy Spirit Filled" with the decibel level of our service. No matter how proficient we are in the outward demonstration of Praise and Worship, only God knows the heart of a person. We must stop these monolithic categorizations of what "Spirit Filled" means, looks like, and sounds like.

5. Explain to us the Godhead...
  • The Godhead is the triune nature of our deity. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Just as we are three parts Mind, body and soul. We are made in God's image and His likeness, which is personified in the personage of Jesus Christ.

6. Tell us three things that you feel will draw more souls to God....
  • There has to be a level of transparency that unfortunately, church leadership is unwilling at times to display. The hypocrisy of "church folks" is not that they do wrong, but it's the pretense of perfection, and the judgment that accompanies it that turns most people away from today’s church. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our "testimonies"! People need to hear and know what God has brought you through in order for them to understand that God is capable of delivering them as well, from whatever their particular sin bondage is. 
    -We also need to be more forthright in our asking for money, and what we need to sustain our respective ministries. Salvation is free but administration of the ministry has a cost to facilitate it effectively. We as church leaders must be good stewards over what is entrusted to us by the congregation. Some of the extravagant trappings of some more prominent men and women of God have turned many people away from the church and some see the church as just "another hustle". We have to be mindful of how things "appear" to the world because the word of God instructs us not to let our good be evil spoken of. All things may be lawful for me but not all things are expedient as penned by the Apostle Paul.
7. Lastly, on lighter note... Give us a little insight into your favorite Christian music... I am positive the readers will appreciate it...
  • I am a huge fan of a lot of our homegrown gospel artists and I will get myself in trouble if I start naming them because to me Detroit is the proverbial "Mecca" for gospel music and you could fill a 30GB I-Pod on Detroit gospel artists alone. I have to say, however, my musical tastes have expanded greatly in Gospel and Christian music. Lord, I tap danced around that better than the late Sammy Davis, Jr.!!!!  

A special thank you to Pastor Godbee for blessing us with his awesome words of wisdom.           

Thank you for reading!

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

~Father's Day Hiatus~

~Happy Father's Day from Calz Corner~

     ~See you next Sunday...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Dante Love~

1. Give us insight into when you gave your life to Christ.

  • I gave my life to Christ July 2008. I saw my life and my future without God and I needed to change or I would go to Hell.

2. Are you more drawn to the Old Testament or the New Testament? Please expound...

  • New Testament, because it seems to me in my studies that the Old Testament is the history of Israel and how God revealed himself to the world. It seems to me that the New Testament is the revelation of Jesus Christ and the calling and teaching to the world to believe in Jesus Christ. And the forgiveness of sins.

3. What is your take on the rapture?

  • The Church is not ready for the rapture, if the rapture happened now (this very second) not many will be invited to the wedding feast of the lamb. (Revelation 19:6-9). The Church needs to repent, live, and teach according to the Bible not man's desires.

4. The book of Revelation, have you studied it? If so, can you give a short synopsis into what you gather from that particular book?

  • Yes many times, I will try my best. The book of Revelation is describing The Great Tribulation, which is God's judgement of the wicked. Many people think the rapture will happen after the tribulation, but they’re wrong and WILL be left behind. People can still be saved during the tribulation, but they must repent and be fully sold out for God's will and not receive the mark of the beast, which is an RFID chip.

5. How do you feel about what you see in the church today or Christianity in general?

  • Churches are robbing the people of true gospel and the Bible teachings. Church services are filled with the desires of man, not teachings of the Bible and of the Holy Spirit. The Church needs to come back to their first love, Jesus Christ and repent of all their wicked ways.

6. What advice can you give to the world that can possibly draw them to Christ?

  • As you probably know by now, you can't fix all your problems on your own and you must know this earth didn't come from nothing. God created the world for you to live in. He loves you more than you can express, and He wants you to have peace. So, stop running from God, give Him ALL your problems, and let Him fix them for you.

7. Which scripture would you give someone to meditate on if that individual needed to be placed in a better mood?

  • Matthew 21:21-22 (NIV)
  • 21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

A very special thank you to Dante Love for participating. Very straight forward and to the point. Your response will help many as I truly enjoyed your words of wisdom. You are definitely a Godsend.


This will be my last installment of this series until further notice. Stay tuned until next week for my new blog series, 3 Christian Questions with Calz. Thank you for reading!

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Rodney Hobson~

1.  First, I would like to know your background in Christianity.

  • I grew up in the church; I have been at my church Word of Faith International Christian Center since 1986. I was always active in church participating in children's choir, and bible study. I was really into the bible at an early age but didn't really have the right guidance at home so when I got older and started working, I drifted away from church and more into the streets. Nevertheless, as quickly as I went to the streets I made a quick decision to turn back to God. Now I am doing everything for God instead of for myself. Now I attend Church 2-3 times a week, I'm apart of a faith group, which is a group that meets every first and third week of every month to have fellowship and discuss the topics our pastor has arranged for us to review. I plan to further my Christianity study by attending school of the bible and pistis, which is bible-training facility. I plan to become a minister, preferably a preacher.

2.  Which, if any, of the apostles do you feel you are most likely to be compared to and why?

  • I feel I am most likely compared to Andrew (brother of Simon Peter). Andrew was active in bringing people to JESUS, and I find myself doing the same thing. I do swat on Saturday at my church. Swat, which stands for soul winning attack team, which consists of a group of people going out and reconnecting to JESUS, through salvation, rededication, Holy Spirit baptism, healing, and prayer. However, before this I was using Facebook to bring people to JESUS, which I still do to this day.

3.  Are you ready to be persecuted as a Christian? How do you feel you would handle that situation?

  • To be persecuted for the good and righteous name of JESUS, I would gladly allow it to be done. JESUS died for me, so why wouldn't I die for him? If that situation ever occurred, I would handle it correctly. I wouldn't disown my Father or JESUS for anyone or anything. Even if it means me being put to death. I know my faith and my love for him will get me through even if they do kill me. The worse thing that could happen is I go to heaven and that sounds like a great problem. (Lol)
  • (1 Peter 3:13-17 KJV)
    And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

4.  Pertinent to the Word of GOD, would you recommend to babies in Christ, the Old Testament or the New Testament and why?

  • I say both but start with the Old Testament, then go over to the New Testament, and then compare. I feel you will learn a lot when you compare both.

5.  Have you ever read the book of Revelation? If so, what did you get from it?

  • The book of Revelation is about things that are to come after JESUS Christ died for us. It talks about the church being under fire in the end times, the Antichrist, and the mark of the beast. Therefore, what I get from it is signs of what to look for during the end times. Such as a true one-world government, the 7 years of tribulation when the Holy Spirit is taken away from earth, natural disasters, the 7 seals, the 7 trumps, the 7 bowls, and lukewarm churches that exist right before the end times. That means less people in the pews, and more compromising of our beliefs to try to fit in. Changing our beliefs to try to “make sense” of God, and trying to find God in our own individual way. The bible not only warns us not to do such things, Revelation says that the lukewarm, compromised church is the last sign to happen before the rapture of all true believers in Christ.

6.  How can we as Christians, bring more souls to Christ?

  • First off, by showing the love of God, how He loves us unconditionally even when we turn our backs on Him, and when we sin. He is still there waiting for us with open arms. By witnessing, praying for one another, and showing how to unleash your blessings by forgiving others for any wrong doings. Never be offensive to people you talk to, carry a testament with you at all times, go believing, and always have a positive attitude.

7.  Lastly, on a lighter note, what are you typically doing after Sunday services?

  • Sundays, I hang out with my faith group at a restaurant, then a movie, skating, and game night. We always try to find something to keep us entertained.

       Rodney, thank you for blessing us with your words of wisdom. I truly enjoyed your interview.  I'd also like to extend a thank you to all of you out there that are reading these blog entries.  Stay tuned for my next entry to be announced!  To GOD be the glory!    

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring KamB.I.N.O~


1.  Tell us, myself and the readers, a little back-story into the world of KamB.I.N.O., when you initially gave your life to Christ, and some insight into why you became an artist for Christ?

  • I was raised in the church as a child but what I heard and what I saw in everyday life didn’t really add up so….eventually I went my own way and did my own thing. I got involved with gangs, drugs, hustling’, and had multiple kids and a felony charge before I hit 19. After surviving severe car crash years later, I really began to start seeking God for myself asking Him to reveal Himself to me and….He did. I’ve been walking with him ever since. I rapped when I was younger – before I began my relationship with Christ – and always had a love for music. That love never left, the talent never left, and eventually I picked it back up. I spill my life in my music. That being the case, once Christ became the sustaining force in my life my message changed by default.

2.  What does the B.I.N.O in KamB.I.N.O stand for?
  • Kam Believes In No Other/ KamB Is No Other….double meaning.

3.  Is there a difference in being called a Christian Rapper, as opposed to a Rapper that is Christian?
  • I personally think the term “Christian Rapper” automatically puts in people’s minds that all you’re going to rap about is Christ…exclusively. I personally don’t do that. At the same time, I don’t promote messages or lifestyles in my music that I don’t agree with. I’m a rapper. I also happen to be a Christian. It’s only in music (most notably in Christian circles) where people seem to find the need to classify a person based on their religion vs. their profession. And it only happens with Christians. I’ve never heard someone referred to as an Atheist Rapper or a Muslim Rapper. At the same time, you never see a painter, athlete, doctor, lawyer, etc. have to declare in their title whether they are a Christian or not. It is ridiculous to me that many people in the church expect a musician to have to have “Christian” in their title in order not to be seen as compromising. There is no biblical basis for that.

4.  Why does so many Christian Rapper's, or Rapping Christian's, tend to refer to Pacquiao, Stripper's, Big Meech, and Larry Hoover.  Can you give a short synopsis as to why?
  • I guess they are trying to illustrate a point of some sort (?) – I do not know. I don’t know why these cats do a lot of what they do…lol

5.  I love your album Independence, so I want to ask at least one question, pertinent to that album.  Will you be putting out more songs such as "Cheers", geared towards those of us that are married Christian's?
  • Thanks, I appreciate that. Cheers wasn’t even meant for married Christians to keep it real. I made a song about celebrating my wife that I figured married people in general could relate. Honestly, many people who ARE NOT married can relate to that song. I do not suggest people who are not married engage in sex and I did not make “Cheers” with them in mind, but I am, not naïve. It’s happening.

  • My aim is to make good music that people can relate to and enjoy….period. I plan to continue to do that. I do think that Christians need to stop shying away from subjects like sex in music when it was created by God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage though. Ain’t nobody trying set the mood with some praise and worship music and if you are – you’re doing’ it wrong. Flat ouT.

   6.  Can you tell us of any new music, and projects that are coming soon?

  • I’m working on a little something’ new. I can’t really give too much info cause I don’t want to back myself into a corner but….hopefully sooner than later there’ll be some more details regarding that.

7.  Which, if any, denominations are you affiliated, in regards to your Christian lifestyle?  Please elaborate.

  • I’m not really affiliated with any particular denomination I don’t think. I just love Jesus and try to be like Him….That’s all.

8.  Do you believe in the rapture?  Please expound.
  • Awww you are trying to get me hemmed up in something’….lol I will say this. I definitely believe the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is coming back some day. I also believe you don’t get pick and choose what in the Bible you subscribe to based on your feelings or understanding. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 is there and it’s there for a reason. That’s about all the expounding you’re going to get…lol.

9.  Sometimes we need the advice from a brother or sister in Christ, based on their personal experiences... Since so many people are hurting, as a Christian, what practical advice can you give?
  • Humans are messed up….period. If you’re looking to any human being expecting that they’ll never fail you, you’re a) putting unfair expectations on that person/those people (Christians, leaders, and Pastors included) and b) setting yourself up to be hurt/disappointed.
  • I encourage people to get to know God for themselves. Develop a personal relationship with Him. Put your faith in Him. He’s the only one that deserves the title faithful and true and He has no problem proving Himself just that.

10. Tell us at least one thing that you feel will draw more souls to the kingdom of God.

  • Authenticity. Quit fronting’ as if you have it all together or have all the answers because you don’t. We were never intended to put on a mask of perfection to hide our mess. We were meant to point people to a perfect, loving, merciful God who loves us in SPITE of our shortcomings. We have to stop trying to steal His shine!

I would like to extend a very special thank you to KamB.I.N.O. for taking the time out to interview for Calz Corner. His story displays GOD'S greatness and I truly enjoyed his testimony. Please stay tuned for any new projects that are to come. Kam is my favorite artist in the genre of Gospel Rap so it was necessary to share with my readers some insight into this man of GOD. Lots of words of wisdom as well as lots of realness! Stay tuned for my next blog to be announced soon. Thank you for reading...


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Sunday, May 18, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Minister Ray R Dupree~

Hi Minister Dupree...

Thank you for allowing Calz Corner to interview you for my Sunday segment: The Works of GOD’S Kingdom. 

First, can you give us, the readers and I, a peek into a window of your life and your ministry?

~Hello Calz, It may seem strange but I wasn't raised in the church. I had heard about Jesus though from my aunt and grandmother, and there was just something about Jesus that stood out above everyone and everything! I had a great childhood but at the age of 23, I strayed away from what was right and ended up in prison. It was then that I gave my heart to Jesus. I asked him in prayer about my life, my family, my case and my future. The Lord answered my prayer and told me I was a preacher. Also he told me of all the songs of praise he had written in me and would bring them out as he wills... I've been lifting him up ever since!!!

I noticed that you are married so can you give practical, Christian advice on how to keep a marriage strong, and how the Lord has strengthened your marriage?

~Yes, I am married and my wife is a beautiful person! I will tell you what the Holy Ghost told me concerning marriage. Never go to bed angry...Even when you feel your spouse is wrong in a matter, do your best as you would even if he or she hadn't done anything. In other word's, treat her right!

What advice can you give newer Christians that do not understand the Word of GOD, and tips on how to read and understand HIS Word?

~Those of us that are new to Christ, that don't understand some aspects of the Word, first should always pray before reading. Go to church and bible study. Attend Sunday school as iron sharpens iron. Don’t forsake the fellowship of yourselves!

Can you explain to us the Godhead?

~The Godhead is one entity. . . One God with three different ministries‘. God the Father is number One in authority, and has set in order the revelation of himself through the Godhead.......Jesus is God the Son, or the Word that became flesh and came into His own but His own received him not! He came to reconcile the world to God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth or the Comforter that was sent after Jesus had ascended to the Father to guide all that would come, into truth concerning God's will for our lives, and what we have in God.

Will you tell us at least one thing that you feel will draw more souls to Christ?

~The one thing I know will draw more souls to Christ is the love we have and show for one another. He that is perfect in love, and letting the light shine will without doubt glorify God and encourage other's to believe for God is love!

We would love to know one example of adversity that GOD has delivered you from, in order to see how good HE is and to give you a sense of HIS glory. Can you elaborate on that?

~God saved me from not only the enemy, but from myself! When I was far off, he heard my cry, forgave my sins, and gave me hope and purpose in life! I was in intensive care spiritually! Not fit to live according to man and not ready to die, but still..........LOVE LIFTED ME!

Lastly, on lighter note. ... Give us a little insight into your favorite Christian music... I am sure the readers will appreciate it...

~My favorite music well… I really can't put a cap on it! I like everything musically with the Spirit to glorify God and I bring it all in the music I produce in our Lord. God is the Creator of everything, and everyone. When he said let everything that has breath praise the Lord, I take it literally and lift him up!

A special thank you to Minister Dupree for sharing your words of wisdom, from GOD.  Stay tuned for my next blog entry, to be announced.. Thank you for reading..

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Pastor Bernard K. Mitchum Jr. of New Generation Church~

Tell us a little back-story, when you initially gave your life to Christ, and how you came to the decision to open your own place of worship.

~I gave my life to the Lord at a very early age, and served in the church where my grandfather was Pastor. As I grew older, the streets got hold of me. The fast money, nice cars, and beautiful women caught my attention. Here I was, watching my grandfather put his life into this church and it seemed like he got no return. I watched the hustlers advance, or so I thought, which pulled me to the streets. It was there where I found my overnight success. Before I knew it, the streets were calling my name. The clubs were paying me just to show up. However, when God calls you for a purpose, He has a way of making His will overtake your will. So after the feds came and took everything, and left me in a room by myself with nothing. No fancy cars, jewelry, nor women, was when I realized that lifestyle was not for me.

~After having been in church for some years, it all became routine for me. It was boring, and I could not understand why. Here I am, raised as a Baptist boy, but I love to dance, I love to shout, and the Lord gave me the gift to speak in tongues. The Baptist Church wasn't doing that back then. It wasn't popular. As I laid on my bed looking out the window, talking to God, He said; "Son, it's time to raise a New Generation". He told me that I will not have the traditional type of church, but dirty people will attach themselves to my ministry and me. Therefore, as my plan for New Generation went forth, during my first bible study, two strippers joined with a man who was so high off crack cocaine, that he couldn’t even stand. Here's what God does with dirty folk. . . That same addict is now clean, have been for four years, and serves as my lead armor bearer. Those two strippers are now on the Praise Dancing team. You cannot tell me what God can't do; He is raising a New Generation.

Are you affiliated with any denominations? If so, which denomination?

~I'm no longer apart of any denomination because I feel as though it puts chains on you in the ministry. I can't allow or say He is doing a new thing but still doing old stuff. I am not knocking anyone for it, but it is not for my ministry, nor is it for myself.

As far as baptisms, which formula does your place of worship utilize?  Do you baptize in The Name of Jesus, or The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
~As far as Baptisms, the bible is very clear on how we should do these things. It's people who try to pervert the bible and make it say what they want it to say. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Do you consider your place of worship to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Please expound . . .

~Is my church filled with the Holy Spirit? Good question but now I'm about to mess up what some of us learned in Sunday school. The church can't be filled with the Holy Spirit, but the people should be. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you it shouldn't make you fall out on the floor and act crazy. (lol) When it really comes upon you, it will catch your lips when you really want to curse Negroes out. It will check you when you are on your way to sleep with another mans wife, it will give you peace when you want to slap somebody. That is what the Holy Spirit does, it's not magic, but it's Gods way of doing thing's.

Do you believe in the Rapture? Please expound as to why or why not ...

~The word Rapture does not appear in the Bible. It comes from the Latin word rapio, which means, "Seize", "Snatch" or "Take Away." The term Rapture is used to refer to the faithful believers being taken up to meet Christ in the air, as described in this passage written by the apostle Paul. Yes, I totally believe it, and He is very clear that no man knows the day, nor hour so we have to start trying to do better because just like the rapture is real, so is Hell.

Tell us what you feel needs to transpire that will draw more souls to God ...

~What I think will draw more souls to God? Well, I believe if the saints of God, would stop being so fake, people will want to come and see about their God. We put up this fake image as if we got it all together, which makes them not want to come to church. They feel as though they will feel out of place. The truth is there are more hoe’s in church than the club, more pimps than on the streets, and more homosexuals than a gay bar. I am not bashing, but if we are all sick and looking for help, why are you in church (the ER), acting like you are not sick? We have to get to a place where we can be transparent with people, and show them that if He did it for me He can do it for you.

Lastly, on lighter note, tell us of your favorite restaurant that you frequent after Sunday services? I am sure the readers will appreciate it.

~My favorite place to eat on a Sunday afternoon is J Alexander's.  However, if I'm broke, Starters will do (lol). Be blessed people of God.

I am Pastor Bernard K. Mitchum and I  approve this message.

A very special thank you to Pastor Mitchum for sharing his amazing testimony, and showcasing how God is using him for His Kingdom.  Please stay tuned for my next blog entry to be announced soon. 
Thank you for reading.                                       
                                                                                                          **Slightly Modified

Thursday, May 8, 2014

*Repentance versus Forgiveness*

Hi, I have decided to do a comparison of Repentance, as opposed to Forgiveness.  It seems like the two are commonly misconstrued, though they are both of equal importance.  According to the word of God, the definition of repentance is feeling sorry for something one has done or has failed to do, and then turning from one's wrongdoing toward God.  According to Luke 5:32  Jesus came to call all sinners to repentance.  Of course, as we live our lives, there will always be a reason to repent.  We must allow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to guide us.  John 14:26 says that the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My (Jesus) name, He shall teach you all things.  It is never too late to repent as long as you are here on this earth.  Now onto Forgiveness, there are plethora’s of scriptures that are pertinent to forgiveness, just as repentance. However, the scriptures I want to touch on are 1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  As well as Ephesians 1:7  In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.  There is a difference between forgiveness and repentance...  To be forgiven is to have your slate wiped clean, to repent is to turn away from whatever it may be that is wrong.

In regards to personal relationships, many people claim to forgive but once most relationships are damaged, the value drops and the relationships may never be as they were.  Some ruined relationships are rebuilt even stronger but that is because some things have to be torn down to be built even stronger than before.  If a relationship is worth it, you should definitely repent from whatever it is that's causing strife.  If that person is not willing to fully forgive, it is not worth rebuilding because you cannot force a relationship with anyone.  The fact is that some people just are not meant to be in each other’s presence…  Even so, you must still forgive according to Matthew 6: 14-15  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Pray for the restoration of any relationship that you feel has been ruined for whatever reasons, make sure to do your part in forgiveness, repent from any wrongdoings regarding that relationship, and have faith that things can be repaired.

In regards to your salvation, it is highly important to evaluate your life on a regular basis. We must always examine ourselves according to 2 Corinthians 13:5-6  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.  Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates (somebody damned: somebody whose soul is believed to be damned)?  6 But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.  See, the word of God informs us that we must look at ourselves to see where we need to do a clean sweep.  Repentance and Forgiveness is our ability to do those clean sweeps.  The only time it is too late to ask for forgiveness and to be able to repent is once you have passed away from this life.  We are under the covenant of grace and mercy people! I will blog about Gods grace and mercy really soon so please stay tuned.
                                                   Thank you for reading... 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Taking things in a different, yet consistent direction.....

          TO GOD BE THE.          


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bangkok Cusine Sterling Heights review by Calz

   On January 21, 2014, which was my birthday, I decided I wanted to try this restaurant after seeing a photo on facebook of their chicken wings. This restaurant was not easy to locate as I attempted to locate it without using my GPS. I called to find out exactly where they were located and the female that answered the phone seemed impatient. That was a red flag but I let it slide. I figured, maybe I was reading too much into my interpretation, of poor customer service skills. Once my children and I got inside, we noticed two huge fish tanks. They were BEAUTIFUL! My children were in awe... The sad thing is that the customer service SUCKED! The female at the register had such a terrible attitude that I had to call her out on it! I told her that I did not like her attitude. Her body language was horrid, she truly need some training on how to conduct herself around the public so I told me children to let's go and we left. I was about to spend over $30 in that place but since her attitude was so awful, we went to Sonic instead. I only spent a little over $15 and got friendly service, which made it all worth it. I will give Bangkok Cuisine ZERO stars because I did not get a chance to try their food due to the lack of training in how work well with the customers.

Volcanic Sushi review by Calz

     On Thursday, February 13, 2014, I decided to try Volcanic Sushi.  They are located at 13997 Hall Rd Shelby, MI 48315 on the corner facing Schoenherr rd.  When I first pulled into the parking lot, I saw the sign that they advertise for the complex but, I could not locate the building so I googled the number, called, and got the location information from the person that answered the phone.  He also took my order over the phone so that helped immensely.  When I drove back around, there was limited parking.  The place looked somewhat rinky-dink but my goal was to try a different Sushi restaurant.  My order was just about ready and the service was nice. Very friendly service to be exact!  I ordered the Cali Roll minus the avocado, plus cream cheese with the crab salad instead of the crab stick. That totaled about $5.05... I give this Sushi and the restaurant three stars out of five because my rice was hard as well as the aforementioned.  I only recommend this place if you are in the area and REALLY craving Sushi.  I know I have not tried everything in the entire restaurant but this is enough for me to drive further for my Sushi fix. Thanks for reading....