~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

~Wife Material~

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

In extension from my latest blog entry, Calz Wife Facts, I decided to do a small study asking nine men for their feedback in regards to the characteristics of a wife. This is only a small study and what they deem "Wife Material", you may agree or disagree but they deserve respect since they were even willing to give us their insight. Lots of men aren't communicators so here goes...

  • Male 1: Wife Material is a woman that takes care of home, kids, her man, loves him, got his back, trustworthy, and definitely spiritual..

  • Male 2: Wife Material is a woman who is trustworthy, loyal, who is not shallow and materialistic.  She is a woman who knows how to treat people, and most important, a woman with goals and ambition...

  • Male 3: Wife Material is someone with personality, knowledge, understanding, and compassion. ..We would have to be able to coexist, she needs to be able to listen and know when to give A-1 information. Sex is an important factor, and us working together as a unit.

  • Male 4: Wife Material is a woman that has her mans back, she is a support system, believes in his dreams, and focuses on her own. For me, it is that simple. I cook, clean, iron, wash, and everything so I do not need the typical domestic woman in my life. I got that handled myself so just be you. Being independent is a definite plus.

  • Male 5: Wife Material is somebody that is faithful, down for her man, will have his back whether they are broke, or rich, and always trustworthy.

  • Male 6: 3 F's Calley... Fuck me, Feed me, and Fuck off.… (Laughs aloud).... Seriously though, if she can cook, we can have good sex (sorry but sex is important if I’m spending the rest of my life with you) and to fuck off just means......she needs to be able to give her man a little space.....not run the streets, but if I want to go and hoop (play basketball), or hang with the fellas, I shouldn't have to worry about being stalked.

  • Male 7: Wife Material is a woman that is a friend along with my lover. Can pick me up when I am down, motivate me, can respect my opinion, is willing to cook with me, and must be a sports fan.

  • Male 8: Wife Material is a woman who holds her man down when he is down and does it without putting him down. She cooks, clean, and is a freak that will not withhold the ass.

  • Male 9: Well, what I consider marriage material would be "the ultimate package". A woman that goes to work from 9 until 5, and still comes home. Throws down in kitchen, and the bedroom....Then have quality time with me and my kids.

The common denominator in this anonymous study is that these men want a woman that is trustworthy, loyal and the sex has to be good. There are other key factors mentioned but what these men require is similar. They are not asking much and I am sure there are women willing and able to step in and fill these shoes. Being a wife myself, I realize that it isn’t easy but if you can communicate and figure out what your man needs from you and vice versa, things can and will get easier as time goes on. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for my next blog entry to be announced.

*Slightly Modified 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

~A Small Note~

Please be advised that you aren't going to agree with everything I post here to my blog.  What's the point in being the Lady of Controversy if I'm going to be a cookie cutter type of blogger?  My most recent blog "Calz Wife Facts" are just that.. MY WIFE FACTS... Those are what helped me to keep my marriage in tact for 11 years and 5 months now so if you feel offended or do not like what worked for me, that's fine.  I'm here to help, not hurt in regards to marriage.  What qualifies me?? Experience qualifies me!! Thanks for reading...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

~Calz Wife Facts~

Your Household Comes First. . . 

I use to be a "people pleaser"… It actually caused my husband to resent me. Every time he turned around, I was ghost... Out somewhere, people pleasing... I've learned my lesson and realize that what's important is pleasing God first of course, but making sure I’m pleasing my household and never again will I adopt the mindset of trying to please outsiders.. You're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't anyways so why even sweat it?!

Be Supportive. . . 

In order to keep our men feeling like men, stop emasculating them and keep them lifted as much as possible! Most men know their role but can be easily torn down, they cry even if we never see them… They hurt worse when it's coming directly from their women because society tearing men down is somewhat a given… Be his strength when he needs it and you'll reap the benefits.

Learn Your Role. . .

Sure, certain things come natural but let's get serious here… You don't wake up and know how to BE a wife!! It takes lots of trial and error… Especially when you add children into the mix!! At that point, you're constantly being pulled in more than one direction. You have to find balance and distribute your time, attention and affection in every direction because once someone feels neglected, then resentment is soon to follow. As a wife, we tend to put ourselves last… Well, most of us, some wives’ are selfish, superficial and make sure her wants/needs are met first. I don't agree with that mindset… I don't mind putting myself last most of the time because as long as my husband and children are happy, I feel good inside!! Yes, I'm still happy overall even though I put myself last because it's not about me anymore, it's about us and in order to get to this place, I had to learn, bump my head, fall face first and I'm still a work in progress but I'm striving to be better for them first... Never think things will be easy because if it's too easy, there will be no growth!!

Pay Close Attention. . .

Take time to learn what your husband really loves in all facets of his being… Put your pride aside and stay on top of things because what you won't do, there's always somebody waiting, trying to take your spot, do it better for a period of time and stake their claim on what's yours…


We As Wives Are The Helpmate. . . 

We're here to make our hard working husband's lives as easy as possible… Especially if he decides to accept his role as the provider! A notable husband wants to see to it that he has his family covered financially, that's why we as wives should keep the home running as smoothly as possible… I'm speaking in terms of the married couple that is doing things the "old fashioned way"… Not the new millennium couple… I'm sure if she's bringing home more than him, she might feel more powerful... The roles may be reversed but in that case, don't emasculate him… Keep him feeling like the strong man that he is!


Take Good Care of Your Man. . .

It is necessary that we keep our husbands full above the belt and emptied below the belt! That is my motto because when one is deprived in any facet, they tend to overindulge in something that turns out to leave negative effects…

I want to expound on my motto… I keep him full above the belt and emptied below the belt!! That's self-explanatory but these are very important factors… I've heard some say that they don't know how to cook and their husband does all of the cooking… Come on!! That's cute and sweet but it's not a man's place to do ALL of the cooking!! At least do 75% of the cooking ladies‘... My husband can cook better than most women can but I know my role as a wife!! I make sure he eats no matter what!! As far as keeping him, empty below the belt... Some women deem it unimportant to keep their men sexually satisfied!! That's a no no!! First off, we as women will be less stressed if we are sexually satisfied… That is YOUR MAN remember?!? Don't make him wait until his birthday to have sex with him!! Christmas… etc... You can try that if you want but don't say I didn't warn you… Remember… What you won't do, someone else is waiting to take your spot??  Lastly, keeping him full above the belt is to try your best to stay on top of the mental stimulation!! Men are visual yes but sex is at least 70% mental… Also, there has to be more holding the marriage together other than just sex and feeding him. Some men have a very short attention span!! I want to say all men but that’s not fair to sit here and make a blanket statement like that!! In closing, that is my motto… God is the head of our marriage so overall He is the glue holding together the aforementioned.


Hang In There. . .

No, your marital life isn't going to be perfect so stop trying to run once reality smacks you in the face.. Running from your marriage is a sign of weakness! If it can work out, fight for it because trust me.... There isn't much to choose from this day and age... You'll end up with someone that is 100% worse and that person waiting to swoop in to take your spot will reap the benefits.

Thank you for reading my Wife Facts that I originally posted to my personal facebook page in August of 2012.  Stay tuned for my upcoming blog entry.. "Wife Material".. I'll be posting the anonymous feedback from men that are willing to tell us the characteristics of who/what they deem to be "Wife Material". . . Until then...

*Slightly Modified

Friday, April 19, 2013

Husbands/Mates VS. Male Best Friends... Whose Side Should She Choose?

Ladies...If you have a male best friend that your husband/significant other do not like, do you tell him to suck it up or leave? Do you tell your best friend out of respect for your husband/significant other, the two of you cannot associate?

Calz: I do not have any male friends because my husband does not feel that it is appropriate in our marital situation.   I would not mind having a male best friend because I may want his opinion on a few issues in which I may not want to burden my husband.  I have attempted to have male “friends” during my lifetime and at least 90% wanted to have a sexual relationship.  That is the sole reason my husband does not want me having male friends.   My definition of a male best friend is someone who I can call and talk to no matter how busy we are.  We can go see a movie with no stings attached and etc. Some would say; “Oh, you have a husband for all of that”…  That is true but I am thinking along the lines of someone that is unbiased and that can give me something I know I cannot get with having women friends.   I am the type that does not trust easily.   I have always stated that people are guilty until proven innocent.   I trust men easier because I have always had close relationships with men starting with my dad.

Lady-A: This has happened to me; my friend had to choose between his wife and myself.   He chose his wife, and secretly kept the friendship.  His wife thinks there was an intimate relationship but there wasn‘t.   Therefore, she does not want us to have an association.   As time went by, he eventually reached out again but not to the degree that the friendship was.   Our association is now once every three to six months to say the least…  When he does come around, he lies to his wife.   My friend’s wife does not know that we still talk even though it is an innocent friendship...  He chose to keep her happy instead of keeping the friendship as it was.   It all boils down to trust, until there is a concrete reason that confirms your suspicion, you are just dealing with insecurity issues…  We all need somebody on the outside at times.   When it comes down to your wife having to choose a side, it might be more comfortable for your wife to have a male friend since females are catty…

Lady-B: I have been in this situation and I felt torn, I wanted my man to be comfortable and did not want to feel like my man was being controlling.  I want to feel like my mate has trust in me.   I kept both my best friend and my man whom is now ok with my relationship with my best friend.  I was willing to bend a little in this situation but, he does not have that much power, nor can he tell me what to do as my man…   If I was a slut bucket, and my man did not trust me, he would not have come to grips with the friendship but since there is trust, all is well.  I’ll never disrespect him but there is a line… I’ll always care about his opinions, as a woman I have a certain amount of tolerance and he will not take that from me…


In closing, I feel that the three of you need to come to some type of an understanding just as in Lady-participant A's situation because in order for your wife to have to choose, she’s being faced with the fact that she is going to eventually lose a loved one along the way.   She loves you as her husband but she also has a love for her male best friend based on the bond that they have created.   In choosing, she must choose her husband because it is only right in so many ways but to force her to choose, either she is going to resent you or as lady participant-A has stated in her situation, she will have him as a friend behind your back.   Either way, this situation will work out but just be aware that this is somewhat a no win sort of situation.  Thank you for your request!  Stay tuned for more blog entries and thank you all for reading.
*Slightly Modified


Sunday, April 14, 2013

In Regards to Marriage ~Is He Controlling?/ Should You Obey?~


Calz: There were plenty of situations that my husband and I have butted heads. I have felt that he is controlling and vice versa. Nonetheless, we have come to an understanding and no longer feel that the other is controlling because we know that we have one another’s best interest at heart. That took years but we had to learn one another and grow together as a unit. I say it takes lots of maturity as a couple and you both need to desensitize in regards to feeling as though you are being controlled.

Wife-I: It depends on what he wants you to cut out. If it is something like talking on the phone with family, and he wants that to stop, it is controlling. If it is something like him not wanting you to wear a very low cut shirt, then it is not.

Wife-II: As long as my hubby ASKS me to stop something, at the very least, I will consider it. Then a dialogue is needed. Why does he not approve? How long has he felt this way? If he brings up valid and logical points and reasons, then more than likely I will stop/change, or cut down the habit. Many women do not realize that your spouses’ feelings are important. So are yours. I rely heavily on prayer, communication, and compromise in my marriage. You have to stop looking at things from a one-sided point of view. Think of how you feel when he does things YOU do not approve of. At least consider his side.

Wife-III (Kimberly Rookard): I think out of respect, I would stop. I feel like because I am his wife I should make him happy since I know if I asked him to stop something he would.

Wife-IV (Crystal Jason): If my husband asks me to stop doing something I will do it especially if he feels disrespected.......But he only does that in serious situations and yes I do listen...

Wife-V: If the husband is a strong leader of his household, intelligent, truly loves and knows what’s best for his wife and children, says he doesn’t approve of a certain situation, give reasons behind why he thinks the situation is not the best THEN the wife…out of respect, out of knowing that her husband is a proven leader and knows what’s best for his family’s safety and cohesiveness will stop. As leader of his family, he will have the vision and best interest of his wife / family in mind. The wife will be on the same page… she will have knowledge, understanding, and intelligence to realize IF the situation is not best (PERFECT RELATIONSHIP)… 

However, we marry people not on the same level… One may be intelligent and have understanding, the other does not, OR one-person want to compromise, the other does not…then it seems each person is trying to have their way… Compromising is taboo as well as logic, reasoning, and understanding. We date these same people. Once we become intertwined in marriage, the individual ways are magnified. If marriage survives, the couple may learn each other, make it work and if asked to stop a certain situation it may or may not happen.



Calz: I cannot remember my marital vows but I do feel that you should tailor your marital vows to fit your lifestyle.   For me, to "obey" is to be submissive.  Not saying that he can utilize that word to fit his desires only but I feel as though I must do my part as a wife.  I pretty much know how to stay in my place.

Wife-I: Obey is a very strong word. With me, it has to go both ways. Respect goes with obey. I do not believe a married woman must sit back and do everything her husband says because the husband takes away her voice. Her input is important in making their marital life happy.

Wife-II: I, myself did not recite that particular part. (Judge did not include them) I believe the word "respect" should replace that word. Neither of us are children. If I love, honor, and respect you; then that is the key to a solid marriage. Obey implies that I am not equal…

Wife-III: I do not think “obey” should be in the vows because that would give the man a sense of control.

Wife-IV: Yes, I think “obey” should be in vows but it goes both ways in a marriage. To my husband and me obey is not about control but about respect… I feel that any man or woman who cannot respect or "obey" their significant other should not be married. Marriage takes work and it needs to be done on both sides...

Wife-V: Marital vows can be whatever promises you want to make specifically for your marriage. People often write their own vows. The traditional marriage vows are from the Roman Catholic Church. Another ‘church’ voted to remove the word ‘obey’. If a couple is torn before the marriage regarding one word ‘obey’ they should evaluate if they should be married at all.

What is the meaning of "Obey" to women?

I think when a woman hears the word ‘obey’ she takes it technical that her spouse has to tell her what to do, she has to do it and she automatically starts to think about all of the things she’s not going to do. Literally, ‘obey’ means following instructions in which we are required to do daily in every situation… Not just marriage... In marriage, if your husband truly loves you, he will not tell you to run out in traffic and expect you to do it. However, if he says do not go to the gas station after dark, it would be an ‘instruction’ to really consider due to dangerous times. Understanding the meaning and context of words is helpful.

In closing, both subjects are common amongst marriages so don't feel like you're the only ones dealing with these types of situations.  You are not alone and as you can see, the wives have spoken!! Thank you for your request and thank you ladies for your intelligent feedback.  As always...Stay tuned for my next blog entry... There is a request in regards to husbands/mates disliking your male best friends... Whose side should you choose? Thank you for reading!

*Slightly Modified*


Friday, April 12, 2013

Requested question from a male...Do you love tall men as opposed to short men and why?

Advisory: Content contains adult language, hurt feelings may transpire.   Please try not to feel offended as we all have preferences.

Shortly (no pun intended), we will review the thoughts and opinions of a few ladies that were willing to participant during this study.  Again, this is not meant to tear down anyone’s self-esteem.  This is just insight from those that were willing to give feedback.  I am sure there are plenty of women that require short men. They are kicking your doors down, I know... Short men, you are desired but just to warn you... You are not desired during this blog entry. We love you still and if you are sensitive, please do not continue reading this blog entry.

  • Lady-A: When you date a guy your height or shorter, it makes you feel like a child molester. It feels like you are dating a kid or robbing the cradle. It is uncomfortable and it feels so wrong. One guy I once dated was short and had a little peter with a nice body…

  • Lady-B: Not too tall, I want to look up to my man and not look down at him. I do not want to look like a lurch, and I want to be able to wear high heels at my wedding. I am 5’4½” and feel that if you are a short man; for the most part, you do not command power. I feel protected by a taller man.
  • Lady-C (Kimberly Rookard): (Laughs aloud) I do not really have a choice; everyone is taller than I am. Given that I am about 5ft., Darryl being 5'9” is perfect for me. Not too tall but he isn't short either. Short guys are not that appealing.

  • Lady-D: I love tall men because it is very sexy to me… Looking up to him makes me feel safe and secure. Having to get on my tiptoes to kiss him and to hug him...I love it!

  • Lady-E: I absolutely love tall men. I am 5'7” and nowhere near skin/bones. I love them because they make me feel safe and secure. Their height demands attention and commands the room. In addition, I see them more as a (n) authority figure over short men.
  • Lady-F: I like tall men because I am 5’5” so I need someone taller than I am... Don’t want no short, short, man… (Laughs aloud) Based on my experience, tall men (most) have nice sized penises.
  • Calz: I am 5’9½” therefore, it was necessary that I married a tall man. My husband is 6’8” to be exact so I was blessed with my hearts desires… I was actually engaged to a guy that was about 5’7” for a short stint before my now husband and I made things official. His proposal was romantic and everything but his height hindered me from wanting to spend the rest of my life with him (he was a habitual liar as well). I would have been seeking to cheat on him the entire time with a man that is tall because that is what I desire. Do not try to act as if I was being too superficial because just to reiterate, we all have preferences. I am sure that my height is not popular amongst men but I am not mad. I was uncomfortable and did not feel like I was being true to myself. The relationship eventually diminished and can I tell you how happy I was that it ended? 

     In closing, based on these views and opinions, tall men give us a sense of security. They make even those of us that are tall, feel like we fit in with the masses. Some short men have short penises… I said SOME... Do not shoot the messenger... This definitely is not a hate letter against short men, though it may seem that way at first... I personally know of lots of short men that absolutely rock and I am sure these ladies can attest. Stay tuned for my next blog entry, In Regards Marriage ~Is He Controlling?/ Should You Obey?  

*Slightly Modified



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

*Calz Compilation #02* ~ People Should Stop Allowing the Internet to Ruin Personal Relationships

These are taken from my facebook page: "People Should Stop Allowing the Internet to Ruin Personal Relationships" various dates...

January 9, 2010

People should please stop assuming that someone really wants to be in a serious relationship with them just because they met you on facebook and then had sex… If someone wants to be with you, they will make themselves clear. If not, don't be mistaken~~

 January 18, 2010

One time, I was playing Spades via facebook with a guy fb friend and he had told me that his wife was uncomfortable; giving him a hard time because he had cheated on her a couple of time's in the past. Therefore, one day, I was giving him advice on the fact that cheating is not worth it and blah, blah, blah... It turn's out that I had been talking to his wife as well which was weird and creepy…

 January 24, 2010

NEVER use facebook as a means to check on a family member or a close friend, over a phone call or a text even... That is called being a FACEBOOK STALKER when you are constantly on someone's page checking up on him or her but never saying a word to him or her… That is weird, impersonal and unnecessary!!

 January 28, 2010

I have another story... One time, I was on facebook and received a message via inbox, so I opened it and there was a woman wanting me to accept her friend request because her husband was on my friends list… I did not have a clue who her husband was so I first asked her who was he and she got defensive… I then went to her page to see who we had in common and saw who he was by looking at her relationship status… I did not except her request and I unfriended him… Problem solved…

 February 2, 2012

Be careful with the inbox messages!!! Normally people keep thirsty messages so that they can someday use it against you. Chasing women and men via their facebook inbox is not cool so maybe try once. If that does not work out, give it a rest! Especially if that person is already taken ~`~ (Please note, I posted this in 2012 and am now tired of the social media buzz word THIRSTY)

*Slightly Modified

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Why Men are Fascinated with Big Butts

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

One day, I asked myself why??  Why does it seem that most men are sooooo enamored with the beauty of the Big Booty?  What is the premise regarding this buttock muscle that is also known as the Glutes.  You do know that it is a muscle right?!  I'm sure we have all received that memo but some go too far just to live up to the expectations of those that are captivated by the Big Booty.  There are some justifiable reasons why a Big Butt is so popular amongst men and here are some reasons why...

  • Big Booty makes the world go round... I mean, really. . . It is just better to see a nice butt behind a beautiful woman rather than you looking at a fine woman and wham... no_ass_at_all... Then again, to each their own... #team Big Booty (Male 1)...
  • I Love Big Ass, more to grab, and get physical with. However, I am cool with slimmer, skinny ass too if she is cute.... (Male 2)
  • I have actually been more of a Breast Man than an Ass man. But, it is hard to explain what it is about that Ass. (Male 3)
  • Big Butt and hips spews fertility and femininity. (Male 4-Laurence Ellington)
  • While in a strip club, I do not pay attention cause I am busy running my mouth. If you have seen one, you have seen them all (laughs aloud)… (Male 5)
  • Don't really know... I guess they are just fun to watch (laughs aloud) … (Male 6-Lorenzo Goodlow)
  • A woman’s butt is a work or art. I like to see a woman’s Big Butt at the African museum. I like the way it bounces every time a woman walks by. It claps when a woman dances. Doggy style on a woman with a Big Butt makes it very comfortable than a woman with no butt. (Male 7) 
  • As a Big Butt lover, I don’t know why, it is the same with breast. I love to look at it, touch it, it looks nice, but it serves no big purpose in reality. (Male 8)
  • It is deep in our heritage to love Big Asses! African and Central/South American women have always had Big Asses. Huge Butts are nice to look at but women are out of control with those damn shots. I wish they would stop trying to imitate us. They invent pills to make their dicks like the Mandingo and shots to make their asses like the Nubian queens!!" (Male 9-Charles Lovjoy)
  • OK, let's break this down. First, doggy style is the position that the Lord chose for mammals to procreate. They instinctively know to hit it from the back. God wants us to hit it from the back. He wants us to watch that ass bounce on the dick. It was his plan all along. Now...let us compare boobs to ass shall we? Boobs are for children. Hence, breast-feeding. Ass is for adults. Lap dancing for example, and Spooning. Most couples sleep or cuddle with the woman’s booty on his dick. It feels the most natural and makes most women feel the most safe, comfortable, etc… It is something about seeing a babe’s waist attached to some wide hips and fat buttocks that just make a woman look more desirable. Her thickness in that area lets you know that she is equipped to handle any type of sex from almost any sized dick. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that women with big hips and Big Butts have healthier safer childbirths. Hence, the term child bearing hips. Us men, when we choose to reproduce, want nothing more than a healthy offspring. When the female is bent over or we can say presenting herself to her mate...seeing how much wider her booty is than me or the rest of her body is such a turn on. Like how is that entire ass on such a small frame!? The way it jiggles and bounces. Also, more women enjoy receiving head sitting on their mates face. Riding or 69'-ing. There is only one position you can do with breast and that’s tit fuck. That’s it…. So boring… There are sooo many positions that involve the ass. Reverse cowgirl, sideways, reverse crouching tiger, sideways tiger, getting your face rode etc… Ass is involved in so much more in our daily lives. Like I side earlier… Lap dancing, cuddling, etc. Big breast are nice but most women that have big boobs are out of shape. This is also fact. The women that have Fatter Butts are most of the time in better shape. That is also fact. Ass just wins. The circumference, width, roundness is the key. Just something about it. Me personally I love being sat on. Love my face, lap, and dick having ass on it. These are the reasons that a Fat Ass is superior. (Male 10 Charles)
  • I suppose the definition of external beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One woman has argued that it is ingrained into men's psyche, and is tantamount to asking why someone likes a color as their favorite - that there is no reason, it just is. I think women who are very skinny, from the back view look like little boys or girls. Undeveloped. For me, a woman's curves provide me with a visual ecstasy. I associate it with a fully developed and sexual woman. I also tend to think that woman with Big Butts are more likely to be freaky than women who are not well endowed, an assumption that certainly is without merit - but one that I hold nonetheless. (Male 11)
As you can see, most of the men here can pretty much teach a class on Booty-Ology and that they absolutely LOVE the Big Booty which is perfectly normal.  I now have a clearer view on this subject and hopefully those of you that have read this entry will appreciate their ability to shed more light on Big Butts.  Some will do ANYTHING in order to have a Bigger Butt.  Remember, the glutes are a muscle located in your buttocks so you can do squats and research different exercise regimes that will assist in developing those muscles.  It takes time and patience but even if you don't have a "Big Butt" be happy with yourself regardless!  Before I go, here is a quick story that was posted February 10, 2011 on The Sun. This is one of many so be aware of what you're getting yourselves into while trying to be over-the-top.... A British wannabe hip-hop star Claudia Aderotimi, who died after an illegal cosmetic procedure to enhance her bottom went tragically wrong.  The university student, 20, flew to Philadelphia, US, for silicone jabs to increase the curve of her buttocks.
But Claudia, of Hackney, East London, suffered chest pains after the injections and died in hospital.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3403090/Brit-wannabe-hip-hop-star-Claudia-Aderotimi-died-after-her-illegal-op-went-tragically-wrong.html#ixzz2PqRXIawy

Thank you gentlemen for participating and thank you readers for reading.
*Slightly Modified

Saturday, April 6, 2013

*Calz Compilation #01* ~ People Should Stop Allowing the Internet to Ruin Personal Relationships~

These are taken from my facebook page: "People Should Stop Allowing the Internet to Ruin Personal Relationships" posted in December of 2009...

December 20, 2009

People, just because a close relative delete you because they feel that it is weird that you only check on them via facebook, does not mean that they don't love you!! They just want you to come correct or do not come at all!!

December 20, 2009

Fellas, some women are only after you because your relationship status says either MARRIED or IN A RELATIONSHIP!! Please stop falling for the bait and allowing these women to seduce you in your inbox and then hitting the sheets. You will end up in a worse situation than you thought you were in before!! They are not worth you hurting the one you love!!

December 21, 2009

If you are married, that mean you are not single and free to post half-naked pic's on an Internet-Networking Site!! Only YOU and YOUR MATE should see your body parts… If the two of you agree because you are a MODEL, do not get upset when you receive negative attention. In addition, know that your temptation level has gone from 35% to 85%…

December 22, 2009

People, if you are gonna flirt with someone in their inbox and you know YOU are not single yourself, bad idea!! That very person that you are flirting with can send your mate the exact message and then that will = an unhappy household that you won't be able to tolerate and then where are you gonna live?


December 23, 2009

If any of these Internet, Social Networking sites are causing you TOO MUCH temptation and you do not want to risk losing the person you are with, remove yourself from the situation and focus on growing and maturing in your relationship. It starts with YOU first!! Work on yourself by getting rid of the thing's that will cause you more harm than good and you'll reap the reward's literally!!


December 23, 2009

Just because someone says hi, that does not mean that they want you either sexually or in a relationship. Some people are just flirts by nature and like to have fun with others, and really mean simply hello!!!!

December 27, 2009

Ladies’ and Gentlemen, do not lead people on via social networking sites and then tell your mate that THEY are pests because that is NOT a good look!! You make yourselves look very STUPID to the person that is the supposed pest because they have inbox messages proving that you were the one that pursued them… They can and will put you on BLAST so be careful with that!!

*Slightly modified





Friday, April 5, 2013

*T.K.O.: The Anonymous Interviews* (Series Finale) ~The Dark Side of facebook Adult Groups~

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

In regards to Meet and Greets.... Have you been to any? If so how were they?

  • Female participant-A: Never been to a Meet/Greet.
  • Male participant-A: I have never been to a Meet and Greet but would enjoy it. 
  • Male participant-B: I have been to a couple of Meet and Greets.  I have found them to be nice places to mingle and find mutual interest. Meet and Greets are to each persons discretion, so if that type of interaction is exciting, one should go for it.   Just remember to underline your focus so people see your intentions.   I do not feel people are forced into a swinger’s lifestyle its more of an acknowledged acceptance between like-minded individual/couples.
  • Male participant-C: I have never made it to a Meet and Greet.   I have not had the time. 
  • Male participant-D: I have been to one that comprised of about seven people including the dude that started the group, who got me into the group.  It was at Lucky’s.
  • Male participant-E: I think it was what the people themselves wanted. If I had gone, I would have gone to be cool... If something had of happened, it was bound to happen.  Distance was a positive here as well because I was not around for the Meet and Greets.  It was also a curse because I would have loved to meet new people…
  • Calley Calz: No, I have never attended a Meet and Greet!

Do you think Meet and Greets are thrown with good intent or just to capitalize from its members?

  • Female participant-A: I think it is a little of both.  
  • Male participant-A: The intentions are pretty much set by your interactions on the web that you probably hope to manifest at these events.
  • Male participant-B: I feel people are only capitalizing on the demands of people’s wants and likes.
  • Male participant-C: As far as its intent, I think it is a little of both!
  • Male participant-D: I think the MEET and GREET spectacle is an INVITATION to FUCK period, especially after they have seen one another naked.  
  • Male participant-E: I am not sure… I think Meet and Greets can be a good thing.
  • Calley Calz: I personally think that most Meet and Greets are all in fun. Of course, there is a percentage of Meet and Greets that will capitalize from its group members. I do not see why they would not profit from those events… If you have 10,000 members, at least 60% will attend a well promoted event. You will make a huge profit from an event that you are being paid to promote if you can get at least 40% to attend (I‘m assuming). Smart move, don’t you think?

*These answers have been slightly revised but not to its fullest extent since I want you to get a feel of those that are being interviewed.

To conclude my T.K.O.: Anonymous Interviews (Questions/Answers), I will say that I am glad to have had the experience as far as the facebook Adult Groups (Freak Groups) are concerned.  I realize that if that floats your boat, you should have at it and enjoy yourself.  There will be good and bad in all situations so I am not here to turn you off.  I am here to give you a peek into this realm from my perspective.  The six participants that were willing to interview anonymously are just a bonus so that you can hear different viewpoints other than just my take on things. I would like to thank those participants for their insight. Thank you for reading!



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

*T.K.O.: The Anonymous Interviews* (part 3 of my 4 part ending)~The Dark Side of facebook Adult Groups~

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

Sextopics, what is the one reason you decided to remain a member before it was closed?

  • Female participant-A: I remained a member because it was fun, exciting, entertaining, and you are my friend.
  • Male participant-A: Sextopics was just a great collection of people assembled by you and the respect of one anothers opinions was on point. It was a great group!
  • Male participant-B: The steamy topics kept me checking back.
  • Male participant-C: The reason I remained a member is to keep up with the silly things that each person was feeling and as I stated before, I looked at everyone that was apart of the group as family. It is not often you can bring a group of perfect strangers together and call them family.
  • Male participant-D: The women were beautiful, straightforward, comfortable and confident, yet relaxed.
  • Male participant-E: I met cool people and loved the interactions with them.  It felt like a great environment
  • Calley Calz: I remained a member because when I reopened "Sextopics", I said that I would never leave since I did actually leave my group Sextopics II in 2011.  I had so much love for most of my members in Sextopics and will miss being in that type of setting with those that I loved conversing with.  Closing the group was a decision that I pondered over but once I realized that the activity levels had declined and that my interest was elsewhere, the best decision was to close it.  I said I would never leave it, however, I never said I would not close it…  All good things must come to an end at some point.

Have you had any personal relationships ruined because of a facebook Adult Groups?

  • Female participant A: Never (I don't allow my hubby in my groups).
  • Male participant A: No not all have I had a problem with a relationship because of an Adult Group.
  • Male participant B: I was not in a relationship at that time.
  • Male participant C: No, I have not had a relationship ruined by a group. I came close then I stepped back.  
  • Male participant D: I met chicks and talked to them by phone.  I learned that the conversation was just too boring and dull to me so I stop calling them... They enjoyed looking at my dick pictures---so that is why they wanted to talk to me. STUUUUUPID ASS REASON TO TALK TO A DUDE!!! 
  • Male participant E: No, none ruined.
  • Calley Calz: There were a few potential friendships ruined. Mainly because of a misunderstanding and a lack of communication.  In addition, jealous significant others caused problems in the Adult Groups because that particular persons mate may have been paying too much attention to one of the fellow members.  Lot's of relationships were ruined because these groups are the catalyst to a cheating lifestyle.  Since many are posting nude photos of themselves, many are being enticed.  Men are especially enticed since men are visual and some are weaker in regards to resisting cheating on their mate.  Overall, the Adult Group realm is a whole other entity because just to reiterate, people act in ways that you could not pay them to act on their normal facebook timeline.
Here is a facebook group tidbit:
Facebook Groups as a whole have three settings that the creator (maybe the admins as well but I am not 100%) of the group can set at any time. SECRET, CLOSED and OPEN. . . Once a group has been set to Secret, only those that are in the group can see who's in them and what‘s being posted. An Open Group is a group that is public 100%. Any and everyone can see its members and what is posted in those groups. There is really no need to actually join an Open Group because all you have to do is check it whenever you have a desire to see its content. However, if you want to be able to receive notifications of activities from that group, that will be the only reason to join an Open Group if you ask me. A Closed Group is a group whereas only its members can see the content within the group. The public can see all members of a Closed Group but the public cannot see the content that is posted in those groups. MOST, if not all of the Adult Groups are set to either Secret or Closed so you can only imagine how raunchy things can get since there is an illusion of privacy. The sad thing is that many have had their naked photos saved and posted any and everywhere. Posted on facebook, other websites unbeknownst to them and so on, so forth. Lastly, NO ONE can see any group activities that you can see on your facebook home page other than you. They will have to be in a member of that particular group in order to see the activity. You would have to give them access to your facebook page for them to see activities other than the aforementioned. If you are in any group, you can set your notifications whereas you can receive all activities sent to your facebook page, your facebook notifications, as well as whichever email address that is affiliated with your personal facebook page. If you do not want that, you can disable the notifications in each actual group, in your facebook settings as well as via your personal email account (e.g. Yahoo and Gmail)…
*These answers have been slightly revised but not to its fullest extent since I want you to get a feel of those that are being interviewed.   Stay tuned as I will be posting part 4 of my T.K.O: Anonymous Interview Questions/Answers and closing out this series.  If there are any questions or comments, feel free to post them to my blog anonymously or as yourself.  I'll be sure to address it.  Thank you for reading!




Monday, April 1, 2013

*T.K.O.: The Anonymous Interviews* (part 2 of my 4 part ending)~The Dark Side of facebook Adult Groups~

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

Have any facebook Adult Groups enticed you enough to be sexually involved with any of its members?

  • Female participant-A: No (I just like to flirt and talk shit)...
  • Male participant-A: I view them as purely entertainment and rarely cross those lines. I've been enticed but have never gone as far as actually meeting someone.
  • Male participant-B: Yes, Sex Groups have enticed me to be or want to be with its female members.
  • Male participant-C: No, I've never been enticed by the things that were talked about in the group because at the age I am now, I feel I've done everything and there is nothing left to experience. I look deeper into it; let us just have a pleasant conversation.
  • Male participant-D: Absolutely NOT---REMEMBER, I was ABSTINENT for a couple of years, never took none of the ladies in those groups serrrrious at all. It was all a glorified, overrated, highly anticipated fantasy and I repeat, quite overrated.
  • Male participant-E: No, I have never been with any member in a group. I do believe that this is due to distance (lol). Therefore, that is a positive and a negative.
  • Calley Calz: No, Adult Groups did not entice me because I actually hate porn.  I did not like viewing pictures of peoples' genitals so I avoided looking at them altogether. I am literally conditioned and desensitized in regards to conversing about anything sexual, which was the center of my groups. Since I am desensitized, in order for me to be truly enticed, you would have to be tangible.

If in a relationship, have those groups enticed you into cheating or wanting to cheat?

  • Female participant-A: Cheating, no! Thought twice about it of course!
  • Male participant-A: I'm not in a relationship nor have I been in one since becoming active in facebook Adult Groups.
  • Male participant-B: During my involvement in the Adult Groups, I was not in a relationship; although, if I was, I would like to think my mate would be satisfying enough for me not to stray.
  • Male participant-C: There was one person that I wanted to get to know more. I feel cheating is in everyone due to curiosity and that it is apart of all of our shortcomings. If it had happened, I would never blame it on anyone or anything but self!!!!!
  • Male participant-D: Never ever believed in cheating, I would rather tell my partner that I am interested in fucking another woman or other women, other than cheating on her. If I was in a relationship at the time, I heard about Sex Groups, I would have never joined unless my partner was cool with it.
  • Male participant-E: I am in a relationship but the Adult Groups never enticed me to cheat... (Distance)... I only wanted to be friends, and cool with other people. I wasn't in the group to be on a sex mission.
  • CalleyCalz: Honestly, I have considered cheating but the Adult Groups were not the culprit. I feel that it was Calley, being human and I know that at the end of the day, I am married. Me being married for almost 12 years, I love my husband too much to risk losing him over a quick sexual session with John crabs in his pants Jones. My consequence will be greater than any amount of momentary pleasure once it is over in less than 5 minutes.

*These answers have been slightly revised but not to its fullest extent since I want you to get a feel of those that are being interviewed. Stay tuned as I will be posting parts 3 and 4 of my T.K.O: Anonymous Interview Questions/Answers for this series pretty soon! As alsways, thank you for reading!