~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Pastor Bernard K. Mitchum Jr. of New Generation Church~

Tell us a little back-story, when you initially gave your life to Christ, and how you came to the decision to open your own place of worship.

~I gave my life to the Lord at a very early age, and served in the church where my grandfather was Pastor. As I grew older, the streets got hold of me. The fast money, nice cars, and beautiful women caught my attention. Here I was, watching my grandfather put his life into this church and it seemed like he got no return. I watched the hustlers advance, or so I thought, which pulled me to the streets. It was there where I found my overnight success. Before I knew it, the streets were calling my name. The clubs were paying me just to show up. However, when God calls you for a purpose, He has a way of making His will overtake your will. So after the feds came and took everything, and left me in a room by myself with nothing. No fancy cars, jewelry, nor women, was when I realized that lifestyle was not for me.

~After having been in church for some years, it all became routine for me. It was boring, and I could not understand why. Here I am, raised as a Baptist boy, but I love to dance, I love to shout, and the Lord gave me the gift to speak in tongues. The Baptist Church wasn't doing that back then. It wasn't popular. As I laid on my bed looking out the window, talking to God, He said; "Son, it's time to raise a New Generation". He told me that I will not have the traditional type of church, but dirty people will attach themselves to my ministry and me. Therefore, as my plan for New Generation went forth, during my first bible study, two strippers joined with a man who was so high off crack cocaine, that he couldn’t even stand. Here's what God does with dirty folk. . . That same addict is now clean, have been for four years, and serves as my lead armor bearer. Those two strippers are now on the Praise Dancing team. You cannot tell me what God can't do; He is raising a New Generation.

Are you affiliated with any denominations? If so, which denomination?

~I'm no longer apart of any denomination because I feel as though it puts chains on you in the ministry. I can't allow or say He is doing a new thing but still doing old stuff. I am not knocking anyone for it, but it is not for my ministry, nor is it for myself.

As far as baptisms, which formula does your place of worship utilize?  Do you baptize in The Name of Jesus, or The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
~As far as Baptisms, the bible is very clear on how we should do these things. It's people who try to pervert the bible and make it say what they want it to say. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Do you consider your place of worship to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Please expound . . .

~Is my church filled with the Holy Spirit? Good question but now I'm about to mess up what some of us learned in Sunday school. The church can't be filled with the Holy Spirit, but the people should be. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you it shouldn't make you fall out on the floor and act crazy. (lol) When it really comes upon you, it will catch your lips when you really want to curse Negroes out. It will check you when you are on your way to sleep with another mans wife, it will give you peace when you want to slap somebody. That is what the Holy Spirit does, it's not magic, but it's Gods way of doing thing's.

Do you believe in the Rapture? Please expound as to why or why not ...

~The word Rapture does not appear in the Bible. It comes from the Latin word rapio, which means, "Seize", "Snatch" or "Take Away." The term Rapture is used to refer to the faithful believers being taken up to meet Christ in the air, as described in this passage written by the apostle Paul. Yes, I totally believe it, and He is very clear that no man knows the day, nor hour so we have to start trying to do better because just like the rapture is real, so is Hell.

Tell us what you feel needs to transpire that will draw more souls to God ...

~What I think will draw more souls to God? Well, I believe if the saints of God, would stop being so fake, people will want to come and see about their God. We put up this fake image as if we got it all together, which makes them not want to come to church. They feel as though they will feel out of place. The truth is there are more hoe’s in church than the club, more pimps than on the streets, and more homosexuals than a gay bar. I am not bashing, but if we are all sick and looking for help, why are you in church (the ER), acting like you are not sick? We have to get to a place where we can be transparent with people, and show them that if He did it for me He can do it for you.

Lastly, on lighter note, tell us of your favorite restaurant that you frequent after Sunday services? I am sure the readers will appreciate it.

~My favorite place to eat on a Sunday afternoon is J Alexander's.  However, if I'm broke, Starters will do (lol). Be blessed people of God.

I am Pastor Bernard K. Mitchum and I  approve this message.

A very special thank you to Pastor Mitchum for sharing his amazing testimony, and showcasing how God is using him for His Kingdom.  Please stay tuned for my next blog entry to be announced soon. 
Thank you for reading.                                       
                                                                                                          **Slightly Modified

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