~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

*Round 2: The Claws Came Out* ~The Dark Side of Facebook Groups~

There is a Catty side in regards to some facebook Adult Groups. Of course, when you place too many women together, drama will always ensue. If one person in these types of groups seemed to be getting more attention than others, those that were not getting any or not enough attention would do any and everything to gain some exposure. They would post naked photos of themselves, inbox people to bash women that are getting lots of attention, nitpick and intentionally try to piss the other women off, and the cats meow is when they would actually have sex with some of those men in order to fulfill their narcissism's. I personally have seen it all, me being the creator of quite a few Adult Groups... I have had so much shade thrown my way that it was not even funny.   Not that I am a victim just to make that clear...  The kicker is that most of those women did not have the heart to come directly to me with their issues... They thought highly enough of me to attempt to attack me personally via their personal facebook timeline… How childish of them to go to those extents but it has happened on many occasions. The main issue that many people had in regards to me is how I ran my groups... I was very strict and will put you in your place because there has to be order in everything I do. People by nature are defiant and I know that but if you wanted to be apart of something I am putting my time and energy into, follow the rules or get gone! I want to give a bigger picture into the cattiness that I have personally experienced. A chick once posted so many pictures of herself that my members kept complaining so I had to put a stop to it. Once I did, I was accused of being jealous which was severe hilarity since there was no reason whatsoever for me to be jealous. I ended up removing her from the group because I saw that she and I would clash. Who wants to waste time clashing with someone that is irrelevant?! Do you know, she then opened her own group, adding my members, which was fine, but then I was told that I had been a main topic and that I was being bashed. She then created at least two fake facebook profiles in order to still be in my group that I didn‘t find out about until after everything went haywire the second time around. Months went by, she inboxed me on my other facebook page since I had her blocked from my main page, asking could she be added to Sextopics once again. I was hesitant but I obliged regrettably... That ended badly to the point of her and whomever else, reporting my first group and having it closed. The cattiness was a force to be reckoned with. There were men getting into it over the same women, women going after men they knew wanted other women just to prove whatever it was they wanted to prove, women bashing other women and even men. There were people joining the groups just to spy on others, going back reporting whatever it was they thought they might have read…. When I tell you that the claws came out, you better believe me…. This alone gave me a different perspective on face book Adult Groups. Before experiencing the dark side, I was naive and a bit oblivious to how harsh things can get when people feel threatened in regards to competition. There were some friendships formed, let us make that clear but in my eyes that was few and far between in when it came to women. My final thoughts about the malicious side of facebook “Freak Groups” is that it does not have to be that way and hopefully things have and will improve! This is how the world is in general but if you so choose to be in a group with others, why not just try to be cool? There is room for all of us in this world. Whatever the next person has, you can have it as well but do not go to the extreme in coveting what you do not have. Stay tuned for *Round 3: Using You For My Benefit* in my series… ~The Dark Side Of facebook Groups~ Thank you for reading!

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