~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

*T.K.O.: The Anonymous Interviews* (part 3 of my 4 part ending)~The Dark Side of facebook Adult Groups~

Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.

Sextopics, what is the one reason you decided to remain a member before it was closed?

  • Female participant-A: I remained a member because it was fun, exciting, entertaining, and you are my friend.
  • Male participant-A: Sextopics was just a great collection of people assembled by you and the respect of one anothers opinions was on point. It was a great group!
  • Male participant-B: The steamy topics kept me checking back.
  • Male participant-C: The reason I remained a member is to keep up with the silly things that each person was feeling and as I stated before, I looked at everyone that was apart of the group as family. It is not often you can bring a group of perfect strangers together and call them family.
  • Male participant-D: The women were beautiful, straightforward, comfortable and confident, yet relaxed.
  • Male participant-E: I met cool people and loved the interactions with them.  It felt like a great environment
  • Calley Calz: I remained a member because when I reopened "Sextopics", I said that I would never leave since I did actually leave my group Sextopics II in 2011.  I had so much love for most of my members in Sextopics and will miss being in that type of setting with those that I loved conversing with.  Closing the group was a decision that I pondered over but once I realized that the activity levels had declined and that my interest was elsewhere, the best decision was to close it.  I said I would never leave it, however, I never said I would not close it…  All good things must come to an end at some point.

Have you had any personal relationships ruined because of a facebook Adult Groups?

  • Female participant A: Never (I don't allow my hubby in my groups).
  • Male participant A: No not all have I had a problem with a relationship because of an Adult Group.
  • Male participant B: I was not in a relationship at that time.
  • Male participant C: No, I have not had a relationship ruined by a group. I came close then I stepped back.  
  • Male participant D: I met chicks and talked to them by phone.  I learned that the conversation was just too boring and dull to me so I stop calling them... They enjoyed looking at my dick pictures---so that is why they wanted to talk to me. STUUUUUPID ASS REASON TO TALK TO A DUDE!!! 
  • Male participant E: No, none ruined.
  • Calley Calz: There were a few potential friendships ruined. Mainly because of a misunderstanding and a lack of communication.  In addition, jealous significant others caused problems in the Adult Groups because that particular persons mate may have been paying too much attention to one of the fellow members.  Lot's of relationships were ruined because these groups are the catalyst to a cheating lifestyle.  Since many are posting nude photos of themselves, many are being enticed.  Men are especially enticed since men are visual and some are weaker in regards to resisting cheating on their mate.  Overall, the Adult Group realm is a whole other entity because just to reiterate, people act in ways that you could not pay them to act on their normal facebook timeline.
Here is a facebook group tidbit:
Facebook Groups as a whole have three settings that the creator (maybe the admins as well but I am not 100%) of the group can set at any time. SECRET, CLOSED and OPEN. . . Once a group has been set to Secret, only those that are in the group can see who's in them and what‘s being posted. An Open Group is a group that is public 100%. Any and everyone can see its members and what is posted in those groups. There is really no need to actually join an Open Group because all you have to do is check it whenever you have a desire to see its content. However, if you want to be able to receive notifications of activities from that group, that will be the only reason to join an Open Group if you ask me. A Closed Group is a group whereas only its members can see the content within the group. The public can see all members of a Closed Group but the public cannot see the content that is posted in those groups. MOST, if not all of the Adult Groups are set to either Secret or Closed so you can only imagine how raunchy things can get since there is an illusion of privacy. The sad thing is that many have had their naked photos saved and posted any and everywhere. Posted on facebook, other websites unbeknownst to them and so on, so forth. Lastly, NO ONE can see any group activities that you can see on your facebook home page other than you. They will have to be in a member of that particular group in order to see the activity. You would have to give them access to your facebook page for them to see activities other than the aforementioned. If you are in any group, you can set your notifications whereas you can receive all activities sent to your facebook page, your facebook notifications, as well as whichever email address that is affiliated with your personal facebook page. If you do not want that, you can disable the notifications in each actual group, in your facebook settings as well as via your personal email account (e.g. Yahoo and Gmail)…
*These answers have been slightly revised but not to its fullest extent since I want you to get a feel of those that are being interviewed.   Stay tuned as I will be posting part 4 of my T.K.O: Anonymous Interview Questions/Answers and closing out this series.  If there are any questions or comments, feel free to post them to my blog anonymously or as yourself.  I'll be sure to address it.  Thank you for reading!




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