Your Household Comes First. . .
I use to be a "people pleaser"… It actually caused my husband to resent me. Every time he turned around, I was ghost... Out somewhere, people pleasing... I've learned my lesson and realize that what's important is pleasing God first of course, but making sure I’m pleasing my household and never again will I adopt the mindset of trying to please outsiders.. You're pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't anyways so why even sweat it?!Be Supportive. . .
In order to keep our men feeling like men, stop emasculating them and keep them lifted as much as possible! Most men know their role but can be easily torn down, they cry even if we never see them… They hurt worse when it's coming directly from their women because society tearing men down is somewhat a given… Be his strength when he needs it and you'll reap the benefits.Learn Your Role. . .
Sure, certain things come natural but let's get serious here… You don't wake up and know how to BE a wife!! It takes lots of trial and error… Especially when you add children into the mix!! At that point, you're constantly being pulled in more than one direction. You have to find balance and distribute your time, attention and affection in every direction because once someone feels neglected, then resentment is soon to follow. As a wife, we tend to put ourselves last… Well, most of us, some wives’ are selfish, superficial and make sure her wants/needs are met first. I don't agree with that mindset… I don't mind putting myself last most of the time because as long as my husband and children are happy, I feel good inside!! Yes, I'm still happy overall even though I put myself last because it's not about me anymore, it's about us and in order to get to this place, I had to learn, bump my head, fall face first and I'm still a work in progress but I'm striving to be better for them first... Never think things will be easy because if it's too easy, there will be no growth!!Pay Close Attention. . .
Take time to learn what your husband really loves in all facets of his being… Put your pride aside and stay on top of things because what you won't do, there's always somebody waiting, trying to take your spot, do it better for a period of time and stake their claim on what's yours…We As Wives Are The Helpmate. . .
We're here to make our hard working husband's lives as easy as possible… Especially if he decides to accept his role as the provider! A notable husband wants to see to it that he has his family covered financially, that's why we as wives should keep the home running as smoothly as possible… I'm speaking in terms of the married couple that is doing things the "old fashioned way"… Not the new millennium couple… I'm sure if she's bringing home more than him, she might feel more powerful... The roles may be reversed but in that case, don't emasculate him… Keep him feeling like the strong man that he is!Take Good Care of Your Man. . .
It is necessary that we keep our husbands full above the belt and emptied below the belt! That is my motto because when one is deprived in any facet, they tend to overindulge in something that turns out to leave negative effects…I want to expound on my motto… I keep him full above the belt and emptied below the belt!! That's self-explanatory but these are very important factors… I've heard some say that they don't know how to cook and their husband does all of the cooking… Come on!! That's cute and sweet but it's not a man's place to do ALL of the cooking!! At least do 75% of the cooking ladies‘... My husband can cook better than most women can but I know my role as a wife!! I make sure he eats no matter what!! As far as keeping him, empty below the belt... Some women deem it unimportant to keep their men sexually satisfied!! That's a no no!! First off, we as women will be less stressed if we are sexually satisfied… That is YOUR MAN remember?!? Don't make him wait until his birthday to have sex with him!! Christmas… etc... You can try that if you want but don't say I didn't warn you… Remember… What you won't do, someone else is waiting to take your spot?? Lastly, keeping him full above the belt is to try your best to stay on top of the mental stimulation!! Men are visual yes but sex is at least 70% mental… Also, there has to be more holding the marriage together other than just sex and feeding him. Some men have a very short attention span!! I want to say all men but that’s not fair to sit here and make a blanket statement like that!! In closing, that is my motto… God is the head of our marriage so overall He is the glue holding together the aforementioned.
Hang In There. . .
No, your marital life isn't going to be perfect so stop trying to run once reality smacks you in the face.. Running from your marriage is a sign of weakness! If it can work out, fight for it because trust me.... There isn't much to choose from this day and age... You'll end up with someone that is 100% worse and that person waiting to swoop in to take your spot will reap the benefits.Thank you for reading my Wife Facts that I originally posted to my personal facebook page in August of 2012. Stay tuned for my upcoming blog entry.. "Wife Material".. I'll be posting the anonymous feedback from men that are willing to tell us the characteristics of who/what they deem to be "Wife Material". . . Until then...
*Slightly Modified
Hello Calz, love the blogs! But could you give your insight of the husband pleasing the wife? What about the wife's emotional, mental, and physical needs being met, what is your perspective on that? Thanks for the input and love your topics!
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous reader. Thank you for reading... As we all know, blogging doesn't typically happen in one day. I will definately get around to adding more subjects to my blog, it takes time and patience. At the moment, I am focusing on helping wives strengthen their marriages based on my experiences and some insight from men in an upcoming blog entry. That blog entry will be posted soon and is pertinent to my "Wife Facts".. It's all in being cohesive with my subjects. Of course I will touch on the subject of the needs of the wife because I am one.. Again, Give me time!! Thanks a million ;)