~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

**The Works of GOD'S Kingdom** ~featuring Minister Ray R Dupree~

Hi Minister Dupree...

Thank you for allowing Calz Corner to interview you for my Sunday segment: The Works of GOD’S Kingdom. 

First, can you give us, the readers and I, a peek into a window of your life and your ministry?

~Hello Calz, It may seem strange but I wasn't raised in the church. I had heard about Jesus though from my aunt and grandmother, and there was just something about Jesus that stood out above everyone and everything! I had a great childhood but at the age of 23, I strayed away from what was right and ended up in prison. It was then that I gave my heart to Jesus. I asked him in prayer about my life, my family, my case and my future. The Lord answered my prayer and told me I was a preacher. Also he told me of all the songs of praise he had written in me and would bring them out as he wills... I've been lifting him up ever since!!!

I noticed that you are married so can you give practical, Christian advice on how to keep a marriage strong, and how the Lord has strengthened your marriage?

~Yes, I am married and my wife is a beautiful person! I will tell you what the Holy Ghost told me concerning marriage. Never go to bed angry...Even when you feel your spouse is wrong in a matter, do your best as you would even if he or she hadn't done anything. In other word's, treat her right!

What advice can you give newer Christians that do not understand the Word of GOD, and tips on how to read and understand HIS Word?

~Those of us that are new to Christ, that don't understand some aspects of the Word, first should always pray before reading. Go to church and bible study. Attend Sunday school as iron sharpens iron. Don’t forsake the fellowship of yourselves!

Can you explain to us the Godhead?

~The Godhead is one entity. . . One God with three different ministries‘. God the Father is number One in authority, and has set in order the revelation of himself through the Godhead.......Jesus is God the Son, or the Word that became flesh and came into His own but His own received him not! He came to reconcile the world to God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth or the Comforter that was sent after Jesus had ascended to the Father to guide all that would come, into truth concerning God's will for our lives, and what we have in God.

Will you tell us at least one thing that you feel will draw more souls to Christ?

~The one thing I know will draw more souls to Christ is the love we have and show for one another. He that is perfect in love, and letting the light shine will without doubt glorify God and encourage other's to believe for God is love!

We would love to know one example of adversity that GOD has delivered you from, in order to see how good HE is and to give you a sense of HIS glory. Can you elaborate on that?

~God saved me from not only the enemy, but from myself! When I was far off, he heard my cry, forgave my sins, and gave me hope and purpose in life! I was in intensive care spiritually! Not fit to live according to man and not ready to die, but still..........LOVE LIFTED ME!

Lastly, on lighter note. ... Give us a little insight into your favorite Christian music... I am sure the readers will appreciate it...

~My favorite music well… I really can't put a cap on it! I like everything musically with the Spirit to glorify God and I bring it all in the music I produce in our Lord. God is the Creator of everything, and everyone. When he said let everything that has breath praise the Lord, I take it literally and lift him up!

A special thank you to Minister Dupree for sharing your words of wisdom, from GOD.  Stay tuned for my next blog entry, to be announced.. Thank you for reading..

**Slightly Modified

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