1. Tell us, myself and the readers, a little back-story into the world of KamB.I.N.O., when you initially gave your life to Christ, and some insight into why you became an artist for Christ?
- I was raised in the church as a child but what I heard and what I saw in everyday life didn’t really add up so….eventually I went my own way and did my own thing. I got involved with gangs, drugs, hustling’, and had multiple kids and a felony charge before I hit 19. After surviving severe car crash years later, I really began to start seeking God for myself asking Him to reveal Himself to me and….He did. I’ve been walking with him ever since. I rapped when I was younger – before I began my relationship with Christ – and always had a love for music. That love never left, the talent never left, and eventually I picked it back up. I spill my life in my music. That being the case, once Christ became the sustaining force in my life my message changed by default.
2. What does the B.I.N.O in KamB.I.N.O stand for?
- Kam Believes In No Other/ KamB Is No Other….double meaning.
3. Is there a difference in being called a Christian Rapper, as opposed to a Rapper that is Christian?
- I personally think the term “Christian Rapper” automatically puts in people’s minds that all you’re going to rap about is Christ…exclusively. I personally don’t do that. At the same time, I don’t promote messages or lifestyles in my music that I don’t agree with. I’m a rapper. I also happen to be a Christian. It’s only in music (most notably in Christian circles) where people seem to find the need to classify a person based on their religion vs. their profession. And it only happens with Christians. I’ve never heard someone referred to as an Atheist Rapper or a Muslim Rapper. At the same time, you never see a painter, athlete, doctor, lawyer, etc. have to declare in their title whether they are a Christian or not. It is ridiculous to me that many people in the church expect a musician to have to have “Christian” in their title in order not to be seen as compromising. There is no biblical basis for that.
4. Why does so many Christian Rapper's, or Rapping Christian's, tend to refer to Pacquiao, Stripper's, Big Meech, and Larry Hoover. Can you give a short synopsis as to why?
- I guess they are trying to illustrate a point of some sort (?) – I do not know. I don’t know why these cats do a lot of what they do…lol
5. I love your album Independence, so I want to ask at least one question, pertinent to that album. Will you be putting out more songs such as "Cheers", geared towards those of us that are married Christian's?
- Thanks, I appreciate that. Cheers wasn’t even meant for married Christians to keep it real. I made a song about celebrating my wife that I figured married people in general could relate. Honestly, many people who ARE NOT married can relate to that song. I do not suggest people who are not married engage in sex and I did not make “Cheers” with them in mind, but I am, not naïve. It’s happening.
- My aim is to make good music that people can relate to and enjoy….period. I plan to continue to do that. I do think that Christians need to stop shying away from subjects like sex in music when it was created by God to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage though. Ain’t nobody trying set the mood with some praise and worship music and if you are – you’re doing’ it wrong. Flat ouT.
6. Can you tell us of any new music, and projects that are coming soon?
- I’m working on a little something’ new. I can’t really give too much info cause I don’t want to back myself into a corner but….hopefully sooner than later there’ll be some more details regarding that.
7. Which, if any, denominations are you affiliated, in regards to your Christian lifestyle? Please elaborate.
- I’m not really affiliated with any particular denomination I don’t think. I just love Jesus and try to be like Him….That’s all.
8. Do you believe in the rapture? Please expound.
- Awww you are trying to get me hemmed up in something’….lol I will say this. I definitely believe the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is coming back some day. I also believe you don’t get pick and choose what in the Bible you subscribe to based on your feelings or understanding. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 is there and it’s there for a reason. That’s about all the expounding you’re going to get…lol.
9. Sometimes we need the advice from a brother or sister in Christ, based on their personal experiences... Since so many people are hurting, as a Christian, what practical advice can you give?
- Humans are messed up….period. If you’re looking to any human being expecting that they’ll never fail you, you’re a) putting unfair expectations on that person/those people (Christians, leaders, and Pastors included) and b) setting yourself up to be hurt/disappointed.
- I encourage people to get to know God for themselves. Develop a personal relationship with Him. Put your faith in Him. He’s the only one that deserves the title faithful and true and He has no problem proving Himself just that.
10. Tell us at least one thing that you feel will draw more souls to the kingdom of God.
- Authenticity. Quit fronting’ as if you have it all together or have all the answers because you don’t. We were never intended to put on a mask of perfection to hide our mess. We were meant to point people to a perfect, loving, merciful God who loves us in SPITE of our shortcomings. We have to stop trying to steal His shine!
I would like to extend a very special thank you to KamB.I.N.O. for taking the time out to interview for Calz Corner. His story displays GOD'S greatness and I truly enjoyed his testimony. Please stay tuned for any new projects that are to come. Kam is my favorite artist in the genre of Gospel Rap so it was necessary to share with my readers some insight into this man of GOD. Lots of words of wisdom as well as lots of realness! Stay tuned for my next blog to be announced soon. Thank you for reading...
**Slightly Modified