Advisory: Content contains controversial information... Sensitive eyes and a closed mind shouldn't read...
A symbol represents something that you want to convey to the outside world. For example, most married people represent the fact that they are married by wearing a wedding ring. Other symbols show what one represents such as a gang member or a person belonging to a fraternity or sorority, they represent their affiliation based on hand signs and etc... Now if you want to go a little further, look at your television networks. The signs and symbols tells you that CBS is the channel that represents a prime time network that we know and have grown viewing our favorite shows such as The Cosby Show and etc... My point is that, you can't sit there, watch a full video, and tell me that you don’t see signs, symbols and that the people that always show you that they represent these signs and symbols by constantly wearing, showboating right before our eye’s and literally forcing down our throats are not affiliated with those such things… I am aware that if I take off my wedding ring, that does not make me divorced… Nevertheless, are you aware that just because you do not know a person personally, you still can know who and what they represent by their signs and symbols? Let me go a little deeper and I will not name names right now because it is apparent that by the symbols and definitions I will point out in this note… The Baphoment= a pagan deity, revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism and worshipped in baphomeries. The name Baphomet also became associated with a "Sabbatic Goat"…The image of the Baphomet combines both male and female androgynous qualities; one arm masculine, one feminine; the breasts of a woman with a phallic object on its lap. The illustration also shows one-arm points toward a white crescent moon the other towards a dark crescent moon, representing the duality of good and evil. Here is what Eliphas Levi said about the Baphomet in his book, Haute Magie: I will stop here but there are lots more information and thus my case and point about one of the symbols that represent satanic worship. The Eye of Horus=The Eye of Horus was one of the most common amulets of ancient Egypt. This highly stylized eye of the falcon-head, solar and sky god Horus (the Latin version of Hor) is associated with regeneration, health, and prosperity. Also is has become associated with the esoteric and the occult. Another name for the eye is udjat or utchat, meaning "sound eye." 666= The Mark of the Beast… And so on and so forth.... This is just a few of the symbols and the meanings but feel free to research for yourself. My entire purpose is to tell you that SIGN'S and SYMBOL'S represent SOMETHING so we need to cease with trying to make thing's not exist that are prevalent in today's society..
1. something that represents something else: something that stands for or represents something else, especially an object representing an abstraction
2. sign with specific meaning: a written or printed sign or character that represents something in a specific context, e.g. an operation or quantity in mathematics or music
3. psychoanalysis object representing something repressed in unconscious: an object or act that represents an impulse or wish in the unconscious mind that has been repressed
1. use of symbols: the use of symbols to invest things with a representative
meaning or to represent something abstract by something concrete
**Originally posted to my facebook January 11, 2010 with added revisions
~My Perspective~
I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Thank you for stopping by!
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