~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

~Society And It's Mentality~

I am thinking about the fact that Societies’ Mentality is based on the view's of others that feel as though you should adhere to their way of thinking. What type of world would we live in if we all felt the same exact way or allowed a group of people to control our thought pattern? I have said this plenty of time's... There are not enough leader's in this world, there are too many looking for someone to follow or a new trend to follow... I know that is the easy route but I challenge you to go against the grain. Think outside of what society says you should think… For example, we as human beings are wired differently so for that reason alone, we should want to go against what is expected of us. I do not mean in terms of robbing a bank or doing something outlandish, of course today’s subject is the mentality of society. That being said, if you are expected to follow the next, try doing the opposite and leading. Some of us are stronger mentally than others obviously but those of us that are stronger mentally, are the one's with the most weight on our shoulders. The weak is constantly looking for the strong in order to follow and they put too many expectations on the strong instead of taking the initiative and stepping outside of their weak minds and showing that they too can be stronger! Not one member of today’s society has attained superhuman powers so why are we putting so much pressure on the next to be our backbone! Why are we so weak that we are looking for the next trend to follow? Trends do not last that long because as a nation, we have short attention spans! I know personally, I bore easily and have said so ad nauseam so therefore when a new trend come's to fruition I get annoyed! It seems as though too many people in today's society are robot's... This robot mentality needs to change as a whole! Stop looking to be the next this or the next that, stop worshipping PEOPLE, and stop being so weak minded that Societies Mentality easily controls you! It is ok to be you with no apologies! Take it from me, it is an on-going battle but despite the battle, my goal is to supersede what is expected in order to remain true to myself. After reading the definitions below, they made me think a little deeper but not too deep in order to come up with this entry... Here are 7 definitions for the word Society: 1. relationships among groups: the sum of social relationships among groups of humans or animals 2. structured community of people: a structured community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, or nationality 3. customs of a community: the customs of a community and the way it is organized, e.g. its class structure the role of women in society 4. subset of community: a particular section of a community that is distinguished by particular qualities In those days, the subject was never mentioned in polite society. 5. prominent people: the prominent or fashionable people in a community, or their social life 6. companionship: the state of being with other people seek the society of coworkers 7. group sharing interests: an organized group of people who share an interest, aim, or profession Here are 2 definitions for the word Mentality: 1. perceptual framework: a habitual way of thinking or interpreting events peculiar to a person or type of person, especially with reference to the behaviors that it produces 2. intellectual ability: somebody's intellectual ability