~My Perspective~
I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!
Advisory: Content contains language only suitable for adults.
How many Adult Groups overall are you in or have you been in?
- Female participant-A: Three groups.
- Male participant-A: I’m currently in seven Adult facebook Groups.
- Male participant-B: I was involved in two Adult Groups on facebook however, as of now I’m not involved in any Adult Groups.
- Male participant-C: Sextopics was the first then I was added to ten other groups. I am now apart of about four groups out of ten (I think!!!)
- Male participant-D: Approximately twenty overall---I have been in thirteen at one time. I am currently in no groups nor do I have the desire to be in any groups anymore.
- Male participant-E: I am in two Adult Groups that someone added me to. One major group, and others I am not sure if I am still a member. As of now, I would say a total of seven groups in which I have been added.
- Calley Calz: I had been in a total of about ten or twelve groups overall and currently I'm in no facebook groups. I'm done with facebook groups!!
Give a negative and a positive in regards to Sextopics and then facebook Adult Groups that you've been in as a whole?
Female participant-A: Negative- Guys think just because you’re expressing yourself, it's a reason for them to try to fuck or say insulting things to you. Positive- You can be yourself (sexually) comfortably, and you find out people are into a lot more freaky things than you are.
- Male participant-A: Sextopics was and is the perfect example of an Adult facebook Group. Intelligent questions and answers about life. Not just sex were openly discussed with little drama. A negative is that I didn't really get a chance to connect and network with what seemed like, like-minded individuals. Adult Groups on facebook can be cool if done right. Usually a pretty good administration is key to keeping things together, otherwise it becomes just another popularity group. Which by the way most groups are anyway.
- Male participant-B: Some of the rules placed demands on participants and it should have been free-flowing. The positive side of Sextopics was that it gave adults a canvas to address their sexual fantasies, desires, and presented great discourse to adult topics. The negative side was it was hard to tell when that conversation would start.
- Male participant-C: I really don't have a negative thing to say about Sextopics but people tend to take things too far sometimes and take away the fun. The other groups didn't hold any interest just picture of people showing their genital areas that no one wants to see. Who wants to see nappy pubs? Lmao nasty, no class at all!!!!
- Male participant-D: Negative---People were not being REAL. Positive---Got along with everyone and respected different levels of freakiness and sexuality. I like the Adult Groups because I met different people with various commonalities and differences on sex, love and relationships as a whole. ANOTHER NEGATIVE POINT---There was not enough topics and/or info shared with other members regarding love, marriage, creating healthy and sustainable relationships. I hated the arguments, disagreements, emotional attachments, people stealing and posting female body parts and dick pics, gay dudes commenting on other niggas dicks. I have done everythang in the groups (even posted numerous dick pics. I’ve even been an administrator in about six or seven groups... I was introduced to the Sex Group game by a dude too) except MET and FUCKED ladies in these groups because they’d end up living in other states such as; Florida, Texas, Arizona and DC., just to name a few.
- Male participant-E: A negative about the groups is that I am so far away from the people. Also some people get too emotional and make it more than just a fun escape. A positive is that I’m far away from the people also (lol). I can have fun, talk to people, and not really worry about people thinking it’s more than what it is (fun). I’ve learned stuff also from the groups, just how some people are, and how people go through things that I’m happy I’m not a part of.
- Calley Calz: A few negatives in regards to Sextopics was that there were some catty situations that I couldn't care less about nor did I want to be involved in. People didn't want to follow simple rules but wanted to complain about petty things instead of utilizing the group for it's purpose. The constant complaining got on my last nerve!!! A few positives was that I did something BRILLIANT by adding people from my facebook page that were A-1 and cool to be around. Some others were added by other members but my people were the best!! We had so much fun with the exception of the aforementioned. I had a chance to showcase my sexual side with like-minded people with little to no judgments. A negative as far as other Adult Groups, I could tell that there were cliques formed and those people would mainly interact with those that were in those cliques. A positive in regards to other Adult Groups were that I felt entertained when I got bored enough to visit those groups.
*These answers have been slightly revised but not to its fullest extent since I want you to get a feel of those that are being interviewed. Stay tuned as I will be posting parts 2-4 of my T.K.O: Anonymous Interview Questions/Answers for this series soon enough! Thank you for reading!
As a creator of a few facebook Adult Groups, of course I had been questioned plenty of times... When and where are your Meet and Greets? I personally have never had any desires to meet up and socialize since the purpose of my groups were just to post Sextopics without the judgment of people on my personal facebook page. I just did not see the purpose but I noticed that many groups were having successful events that seemed like the "IT" thing to do. Some attended Meet and Greets just to see how people looked outside of their facebook profile. Some members went just to see who their next sexual encounter would be. Some of those sexual encounters even transpired after leaving their planned events. They are grown so they are free to do that right? “Freak Groups” are an ideal place to set up events and even try to capitalize from its members since there are a variety of people that may attend. There was one instance whereas a female use to advertise for her job via her personal facebook page. This very same female was a former member of my group but decided to rejoin my group for whatever reason. Then, not long after rejoining, she decided to plan a Meet and Greet without even having the courtesy of asking permission from my administrators or myself. It seemed as though she wanted to utilize the group for her personal gain in having other members join her for her supposed Meet and Greet. She worked at some type of strip club or bar but I am not 100% as to which of the two. I am guessing she was a waitress or a stripper and wanted the tips but that is just an educated guess since she was advertising via her personal page for weeks beforehand. I addressed the situation swiftly and things went haywire from me speaking up, which was my right as the creator of the group. There had been plenty of times I have been approached by others asking would I be interested in trying to use my members to sell sexual products and plan parties that were to sell sex toys. I declined because I did not have an ulterior motive in trying to employ the members of Sextopics in order to capitalize. Again, this is an ideal situation if you do want to capitalize from the members of these groups because there are plenty of people with jobs, bored, and simply needing something fun and exciting to do. If you can profit in some way and get away with it, do your thing! I deem it wrong in so many ways… I just want all group members to use their discretion in regards to the motives some have in order to exploit them for personal gain in the facebook Adult Group realm. Any group for that matter because in the end, so many are Using You for Their Benefit… Stay tuned for the finally of my series… *TKO: The Anonymous Interviews* ~The Dark Side of Facebook Adult Groups~… Thank you for reading!
There is a Catty side in regards to some facebook Adult Groups. Of course, when you place too many women together, drama will always ensue. If one person in these types of groups seemed to be getting more attention than others, those that were not getting any or not enough attention would do any and everything to gain some exposure. They would post naked photos of themselves, inbox people to bash women that are getting lots of attention, nitpick and intentionally try to piss the other women off, and the cats meow is when they would actually have sex with some of those men in order to fulfill their narcissism's. I personally have seen it all, me being the creator of quite a few Adult Groups... I have had so much shade thrown my way that it was not even funny. Not that I am a victim just to make that clear... The kicker is that most of those women did not have the heart to come directly to me with their issues... They thought highly enough of me to attempt to attack me personally via their personal facebook timeline… How childish of them to go to those extents but it has happened on many occasions. The main issue that many people had in regards to me is how I ran my groups... I was very strict and will put you in your place because there has to be order in everything I do. People by nature are defiant and I know that but if you wanted to be apart of something I am putting my time and energy into, follow the rules or get gone! I want to give a bigger picture into the cattiness that I have personally experienced. A chick once posted so many pictures of herself that my members kept complaining so I had to put a stop to it. Once I did, I was accused of being jealous which was severe hilarity since there was no reason whatsoever for me to be jealous. I ended up removing her from the group because I saw that she and I would clash. Who wants to waste time clashing with someone that is irrelevant?! Do you know, she then opened her own group, adding my members, which was fine, but then I was told that I had been a main topic and that I was being bashed. She then created at least two fake facebook profiles in order to still be in my group that I didn‘t find out about until after everything went haywire the second time around. Months went by, she inboxed me on my other facebook page since I had her blocked from my main page, asking could she be added to Sextopics once again. I was hesitant but I obliged regrettably... That ended badly to the point of her and whomever else, reporting my first group and having it closed. The cattiness was a force to be reckoned with. There were men getting into it over the same women, women going after men they knew wanted other women just to prove whatever it was they wanted to prove, women bashing other women and even men. There were people joining the groups just to spy on others, going back reporting whatever it was they thought they might have read…. When I tell you that the claws came out, you better believe me…. This alone gave me a different perspective on face book Adult Groups. Before experiencing the dark side, I was naive and a bit oblivious to how harsh things can get when people feel threatened in regards to competition. There were some friendships formed, let us make that clear but in my eyes that was few and far between in when it came to women. My final thoughts about the malicious side of facebook “Freak Groups” is that it does not have to be that way and hopefully things have and will improve! This is how the world is in general but if you so choose to be in a group with others, why not just try to be cool? There is room for all of us in this world. Whatever the next person has, you can have it as well but do not go to the extreme in coveting what you do not have. Stay tuned for *Round 3: Using You For My Benefit* in my series… ~The Dark Side Of facebook Groups~ Thank you for reading!
What you probably do not know about facebook "Freak Groups" is that there are some very adult things that transpire... Some people are there to "hook up" (have sex with others) behind the backs of their mates, some are there to find potential partners, and some have even found love… Can you believe that some have found love actually??? It's true!!! Some monogamous couples in these "Freak Groups" look for other women, preferably bi-sexual women to participate in threesomes in order to spice up their relationships. Other couples are there to find fellow couples that are into swinging. Swinging while in a monogamous relationship is to engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or a social activity in hopes of strengthening their relationship just as a threesome. They are the same concept except what I have learned from swingers is that it is a COUPLES' thing, swapping partners as opposed to threesomes, which normally the third wheel is the single sometimes more freaky individual. During discussions amongst group members', when the men that loves the threesome requiring only one man on two women were asked, would they be open to allowing their threesome to be two men and one woman? They cringed and said NO!!…They call that type of threesome a train or a busto... It seems to me that some of those relationships had gone south not long after inviting another woman or other couples into their sexual relationships...There are so many dangers involved in regards to threesomes and swinging… Not only is there the sexually transmitted disease risk aspect, but there is a risk of jealousy, envy, the other woman wanting a serious relationship with the already taken male or female… Another danger that I feel a threesome might pose is that what if the female you're allowing your man to invite in, is better in bed than you? Your man may have sex with her behind your back and possibly leave you somewhere down the line for that woman. Threesomes are a complex issue that you might want to rethink if you can help it. I have heard too many horror stories but to each their own. I guess if you think about it logically, a facebook Adult Group might be a good place to find people of the same sexual interest no matter what the outcome may be because in those types of groups, people display their sexual side more often as opposed to displaying it on their facebook timeline. Stay tuned for round two of my series The Dark Side Of Facebook Groups, as I will give you some insight into the catty side of things...
Yeah, at first, it seemed like a fun idea but then as time went on, I realized that there is a darker side to Facebook Groups. I am not referring to your typical bubble and cotton candy groups such as your exercise support groups or your job-affiliated groups… Group members such as those groups probably could not fathom what goes on in these supposed "Grown and Sexy" groups… The groups that I am going to expound on are the Adult Groups or in the words of many… Your "Freak Groups"!!! LET US MAKE THIS CLEAR… SOME GROUPS AND NOT ALL!!!! I try not to make blanket statements so I am making sure not to lump all groups into this category, as I have not been in every Adult Group created. I personally have been the creator of a total of five "Adult Groups"… My initial intent was to create a group that was pertinent to Sextopics. Sextopics was my baby since 2008. I use to post topics pertaining to sex via my personal facebook page during most nights of the week from 2008 up until around 2010. Fellow facebook members willing to participate would add their input and the onlookers could just read and possibly gain sexual knowledge in the process... After me getting tired of the ridicule of judgmental people, I decided to cut back on the sexual discussions but then realized that I did not like cutting back. I wanted to discuss it, my husband knew about it so I continued eventually but in the form of a group. The Original Sextopics Group that was opened in the summer of 2011, and closed by facebook at the end of 2011 due to a bitter former member or two. Sextopics II was opened soon afterwards… I left due to no longer wanting to be there, and the death of my dad at the end of the year of 2011. I gave that group to another facebook member and to my understanding, that group is still up and running. Sextopics III was for administrators only, and I closed it in March 2013 because I am done with all groups. Sextopics AGAIN, which I reopened after rejoining the groups’ realm at the beginning of 2012. The third time was supposedly a charm but I recently closed it March of 2013 due to inactivity and no longer wanting to be apart of any sexual discussions. SextoPICS Visual Stimulation that was for those that kept complaining about not being able to post nude photos in Sextopics. Facebook closed that group in the early part of 2012 due to violating their policies/nudity, which resulted in my administrators and I being placed in facebook jail for at least 24 hours. I am no longer a member of any groups because I am no longer interested in being involved in that realm of my facebooking experience. This is only the Introduction just to reiterate so stay tuned as I have so much to tell you!!

I am thinking about the fact that Societies’ Mentality is based on the view's of others that feel as though you should adhere to their way of thinking. What type of world would we live in if we all felt the same exact way or allowed a group of people to control our thought pattern? I have said this plenty of time's... There are not enough leader's in this world, there are too many looking for someone to follow or a new trend to follow... I know that is the easy route but I challenge you to go against the grain. Think outside of what society says you should think… For example, we as human beings are wired differently so for that reason alone, we should want to go against what is expected of us. I do not mean in terms of robbing a bank or doing something outlandish, of course today’s subject is the mentality of society. That being said, if you are expected to follow the next, try doing the opposite and leading. Some of us are stronger mentally than others obviously but those of us that are stronger mentally, are the one's with the most weight on our shoulders. The weak is constantly looking for the strong in order to follow and they put too many expectations on the strong instead of taking the initiative and stepping outside of their weak minds and showing that they too can be stronger! Not one member of today’s society has attained superhuman powers so why are we putting so much pressure on the next to be our backbone! Why are we so weak that we are looking for the next trend to follow? Trends do not last that long because as a nation, we have short attention spans! I know personally, I bore easily and have said so ad nauseam so therefore when a new trend come's to fruition I get annoyed! It seems as though too many people in today's society are robot's... This robot mentality needs to change as a whole! Stop looking to be the next this or the next that, stop worshipping PEOPLE, and stop being so weak minded that Societies Mentality easily controls you! It is ok to be you with no apologies! Take it from me, it is an on-going battle but despite the battle, my goal is to supersede what is expected in order to remain true to myself.
After reading the definitions below, they made me think a little deeper but not too deep in order to come up with this entry...
Here are 7 definitions for the word Society: 1. relationships among groups: the sum of social relationships among groups of humans or animals
2. structured community of people: a structured community of people bound together by similar traditions, institutions, or nationality
3. customs of a community: the customs of a community and the way it is organized, e.g. its class structure
the role of women in society
4. subset of community: a particular section of a community that is distinguished by particular qualities
In those days, the subject was never mentioned in polite society.
5. prominent people: the prominent or fashionable people in a community, or their social life
6. companionship: the state of being with other people
seek the society of coworkers
7. group sharing interests: an organized group of people who share an interest, aim, or profession
Here are 2 definitions for the word Mentality: 1. perceptual framework: a habitual way of thinking or interpreting events peculiar to a person or type of person, especially with reference to the behaviors that it produces
2. intellectual ability: somebody's intellectual ability
It seems like so many men have this preconceived notion that ALL MARRIED WOMEN are AVAILABLE and will cheat with them regardless!! Well, WE'RE NOT!! It is so annoying how some men will just try and befriend you on let's say Facebook for instance. They'll try to befriend you in hopes of someday, getting you in the sack to have sex with you!! Not even the sack nowadays… The back of their car, the Burger King restroom, the alley... ANYWHERE!! I have heard it all and trust me, it all sounds the same just a different body spitting out the same jargon… I'm fed up because each ending is always the same once they realize they're never going to get what they set out to get. Who is at fault in the end?? They are!! No one told you to decide to hunt after your prey when that prey isn’t even available for the taking!! It's the thrill of trying to conquer she who at the end of the day, can not be conquered. It's the want what you can't have, the I'm going to try regardless of the fact that she's taken!! In the end, who's hurt?? You are… Whose fault is it?? Your's!! I know, I know, people want what they can't have but who's fault is that?! Your's!!! Stop it with the high expectations of imperfect people!! Yeah, some men does feel led on if a married woman is the type that is engaging but who's fault it that?? It's your fault!! Look, married women are wishy washy!! Point Blank Period!! We are constantly putting ourselves last, we don't have time for ourselves, and we don't have the attention span to care about your hurt feeling's in the long run!! We honestly don't mean to be so heartless but that is your fault for trying us. Back off!! Nothing will ever come of trying to have sex with a married woman!! There are still some of us that are faithful to our husband's no matter what. We don't need you men, coming at us with expectations that we're not even interested in trying to meet in the first place. Not all of us need your attention… Not all of us are lonely with low self esteem!! Some of us simply do not want to have sex with you so stop coming at us thinking you're going to break us down... You are wasting your time!! Would you be coming this hard if we were single?! I don't think you would!! It's the thrill of having what you aren't suppose to have just to reiterate so to those of you coming at us thinking we're going to break, do yourself a favor and find YOUR OWN WIFE.