~My Perspective~

I want to enlighten, edify, and utilize this blog for the glory of GOD. JESUS died on a cross so that we may have a chance at eternity. Here you'll find words of inspiration, interviews of pastors, artists, and everyday Christians in general. The purpose of the interviews is to show how GOD is using each willing participant. We are here to serve GOD, so one way is to showcase the works of HIS kingdom. If you'd like to be a participant in sharing how GOD is using you via an interview, to promote your GOD given talents, or just share your testimony, please email me at Calzcorner@gmail.com Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~Letter to Addictions~

Dear Addiction, I am writing to you because of an episode called My Strange Addiction. In Episode 1, there was a young lady that has been addicted to sleeping with her blow dryer since she was eight years of age. Although she found the heat and sound comforting, she took huge risks at the chance of burning her skin even worse that she already had, starting an electrical fire and possibly running her energy bill up very high. Even knowing the risks, she still refused to sleep one night without her blow dryer on but eventually got her addiction under control as much as she could after really seeking out help while on this show. Her therapist recommended that she write a good bye letter to her addiction of sleeping with her blow dryer. She was to write about how it helped her and eventually hurt her in the end. That blow dryer can be anything as far as an addiction goes. It can be drugs, porn, sex, lying, alcohol, food and anything you can think of. I’ve always heard that we must do all things in moderation but that’s easier said than done when life has a tendency of being difficult at times and stress seems to take control. The main thing that I want to touch on is that we might all have some type of addiction but there are ways to overcome them if you are not in denial about that thing that has your undivided attention. If you are in denial, you could possibly die with that addiction hanging over your soul, that seems to be a scary situation if you ask me. Denial, often times will need an intervention from your loved ones but that isn’t the end all because you may feel that they are against you and misjudging you. In the beginning, addictions might feel good because it is pacifying some form of hurt. Be it physical pain or emotional pain, the only thing you’ll know is that there is something that’s taking your mind to a different state. Fear seems to play a major role in our addictions as we all know and hear from time to time. For example, there was an episode that aired tonight prior to the episode of My Strange Addiction whereas the female slept with her blow dryer turned on, in order for her to sleep. In episode 8, a male had an addiction to having a silicon wife.
He treats his life-size doll like a human wife. He eats meals with her, shops for her, dresses her, has sex with her and is convinced she returns back the same type of affection. Fear is playing a major role in his life because he has been in “human relationships” but they’ve obviously failed and he doesn’t want the hurt and pain to return. He’s been with this silicon doll for ten years and after seeing a psychiatrist, he felt as though it was time to purchase a second silicon wife. I guess all this can amount to is a threesome everyday and night…… Another thing I can think of is the fact that the silicone life-size wives doesn’t talk and or nag which is a common complaint amongst men…… I’m not judging but I do feel that his story is interesting and a tad bit different. The bottom line is that he has an addiction that he’s not willing to change due to the fact that he is in denial and it make‘s him happy. In closing, I wanted to write this letter to addiction just as the therapist recommended not to anything in particular that I may or may not be going through but just as a platform and insight into the show titled My Strange Addictions that air on Wednesday nights at 11pm on the TLC Network (Check you local listings for possible repeats)

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